The Devil's CrownPart Two - Monica James Page 0,97

pointy end of my knife imbedded into their heart.

“This allows me to restore my ruthless reputation as this will be a very public affair. Most will be scared, but some will be pissed off, and that’s when they’ll call Santo. He’s already put in the hard word that he’s looking for me.

“This will be like stealing candy from a baby,” I conclude, taking a breath.

“You know, you’re a fucking evil mastermind. I’m pleased we’re now on the same side,” Saint says, which has me chuckling.

“Thank you, мой друг.”

Saint hangs up, knowing time is of the essence, so I suspect he’ll call me back soon.

The odds I’d be placed in this situation were slim to none, but my world, it’s small, and it’s like eight degrees of separation. I don’t know who is behind exploiting children because as ashamed as I am to admit it, it wasn’t a concern of mine.

I didn’t meddle in business that didn’t profit me, but that’s changed.

Some may say this is hypocritical, considering I had no qualms about trafficking young women for my pleasure once upon a time. But never children. And now, I can make amends for all the wrong that I’ve done.

“Did you call home?” Ella asks, coming up the stairs. She looks exhausted.

“Yes, I’ve told Saint of my plans.”

“And they are?”

“I fear Irina was once at Tura,” I confess, a mixture of emotions overwhelming me. “Those children may as well be her.”

“I think you might be right,” she softly agrees.

It’s nice to know I’m not overthinking this because if she too can see the resemblance, it just confirms my suspicions.

“I need to find out who this person is and what they know about Irina. And when I find that out, I’m going to take great pleasure in seeing them choke on their blood.”

“We’re going to announce our location to Santo then?” Ella wisely says.

“Yes, but we have an advantage. He won’t know my true motives for being there and will suspect I’ve come alone. But Saint has informed me my plan to build a new army has worked. This is their opportunity to rise above.”

“So it’s going to be a bloodbath?”

Nodding, I smirk. “Indeed. The only way off that island is their boats. So, we take that away, and they either surrender to me, or they die. Santo may believe he has friends on Tura, but that’ll soon change when their lives are at stake.

“He, of course, will bring an entourage from Russia and beyond to protect him, but he will lose.”

“By doing this, you’re just cementing your leadership. That no one fucks with you and gets away with it. This will clear up any doubt over your governance,” Ella says, appearing impressed.

“Yes, in part, but this is for Irina. This is my chance to avenge her childhood which was robbed by these sick Мудак’s. It also allows me to ensure no other child suffers this way ever again. The Russia I rule will maim and destroy anyone who thinks they can defy my stance on this.

“The enemy will be herded, and I will pick them off, one by one.”

“So once this is over with, you’re still planning on being a Russian…mobster?” she asks, appearing to search for the right word.

“Yes,” I reply honestly. “With or without me, drugs, guns, crime, it’ll exist and I’d rather I ruled than someone else whose moral compass lost direction long ago. I understand how hypocritical that sounds, but being the bad guy…it’s what I’m good at. It’s what I know.”

Ella walks toward me, and just when I think she’ll slap my cheek, she touches it tenderly. “You’re not the bad guy. Better the devil you know, right?”

Smirking, I wear the title with pride. “Precisely. I wish I could be happy living a simple life, but I can’t. This is who I am.”

I wait for disgust, anger, but I get neither. “And who you are is someone I…”

Her pause has me desperate to know what she wanted to say, but she doesn’t continue.

“I’m going to check on the kids.” She removes her hand and scampers away, leaving me wondering who I am to her.


THE CLOCK ON the GPS says it’s after one in the morning, and although I am way past tired, I can’t switch off.

Ella has spent the day with the children, leaving me alone as I think she sensed I needed the quiet. I can’t stop thinking about the plan. It’ll work, but I fear there will be many casualties along the way. This is Copyright 2016 - 2024