The Devil's CrownPart Two - Monica James Page 0,47

turns to hope. Maybe Alek hasn’t given up on me after all.

“Name your price,” Christian says, making clear he wants both Willow and Saint. But the way his gaze travels up and down Saint’s form, I dare say, Willow is just a bonus as Saint is the real prize.

“If I lose, I give you Willow, Saint, and the name of my biggest buyers. This proves my trust in you.” Oh, god, Alek has just signed his death warrant. “But if I win…you tell me how you run your operation. I want to know where you get your product from, as I assume you don’t manufacture it yourself.

“This seems fair as there are more of you playing than me. The odds are in your favor.”

This seems sacrilegious. If they tell Alek this, essentially, he could make a deal with their supplier behind the mafia’s back, cutting them out.

“This proves your trust in me,” Alek adds, throwing Santo’s words back at him. “This seems fair. Don’t you think?”

The men look at one another around the table, clearly conflicted by Alek’s proposition. They both have a lot to lose. But Alek doesn’t lose. When he won Willow, his life changed forever, and I can guarantee, he plans to do the same with this proposal.

“Yes, all right,” Santo agrees, nodding. “You’ve got a deal.”

“Wonderful. And I almost forgot, seeing as you’re getting two of mine, I want Ella for two nights. Not one.” A flush spreads up my neck when Alek arches a dark brow.

“Papa,” Frank argues softly. “Not Ella. She is mine.”

“Hush, son,” Santo says, revealing this is a done deal.

Frank isn’t upset about my reputation but, rather, his own. He knows he’ll never live this down. Alek will remind him of all the things he did to his fiancée. A form of torture for a proud man like Frank.

It’s a stare-off between Alek and Santo—two alphas, battling for the top spot as they recommence their game.

I watch with bated breath, unsure who’s winning. When Fausto curses and throws down his cards, it seems he’s out of the game. This continues for grueling minutes that feel like hours until only two players remain—Alek and Santo.

Alek smirks cockily while Santo shifts in his seat. The game is clearly in the bag for Alek. He wouldn’t look so certain otherwise. But when Santo lays his cards down on the table and snickers, I realize I know nothing at all.

Alek’s lips lift into a lopsided grin when Santo reveals his spread. “I’ll be damned. Looks like you beat me.”

“Looks that way,” Santo says, clapping happily.

Frank’s shoulders drop, relieved I won’t be made a whore by the Russian drug lord.

There is animated chatter among the men, congratulating Santo on his win while I stare wide-eyed. What just happened? Alek wasn’t supposed to lose. He was supposed to win. He was supposed to get me out of here. He wasn’t supposed to trade Willow and Saint like nothing but cattle.

But now, he’s condemned me, Saint, and Willow.

I can’t breathe.

Santo draws the chips toward him, happier than a pig in shit. He’s won the information he needed, money, and two of Alek’s closest confidants. The bad guy won. I don’t understand this.

“Let us have a drink before you spill all your secrets,” Fausto quips, coming to a stand. He is elated their plan to milk Alek of his secrets has come about so soon.

Christian walks over to Saint, and when he attempts to caress his cheek, Saint strikes out in the blink of an eye and elbows him in the nose. It crunches under the impact. Christian howls, cupping his bleeding nose.

The men’s joy soon turns to dread. Alek beams proudly. Santo looks at him, utterly confused.

“This was a test, as such. You didn’t stipulate that they’d have to behave,” Alek explains, amused. “Shame on you for not being more thorough. You have your hands full with these two.

“What did you say, Christian?” Alek pretends to search for the right words. “We live, and we learn?”

Christian narrows his eyes as he hunts through his pocket for a handkerchief. This isn’t over. Not by a long shot.

Alek is playing them at their own game. He knows Saint and Willow can look after themselves. The deal was never for them to submit. Alek has outsmarted Santo and his family, playing on their greed, eagerness, and stupidity.

“Let this be a lesson for future business transactions. We don’t leave room for negotiation. You won Saint and Willow, but we didn’t set the guidelines Copyright 2016 - 2024