The Devil and the Deep - By Amy Andrews Page 0,17

his foot ‘...below us. Forward and aft cabins both have en suites. I thought you might like the aft cabin? It’s slightly bigger.’

‘Sure.’ She shrugged, her pulse tripping madly at her bizarre vision. ‘That sounds fine.’

Rick, who’d only seen photographs of the finished product himself, sat in a chair. He ran his hand over the decadent leather. ‘Wow, they’ve done a magnificent job.’

Stella blinked again as she looked down on him for once. If ever there was magnificent it was him, sitting in that chair, captain of all he surveyed. It reminded her of the scene in Pleasure Hunt where Lady Mary finally capitulated to his touch. Where she realised, after a particularly harrowing raid, life was short and she didn’t want to die without having known the touch of a truly sensual man.

She stood in front of Vasco in the privacy of his cabin as he sat, thighs insolently spread, in his chair, caressing the arm as if it were the breast of a beautiful woman. She looked down at him, waiting. When he leant forward and reached under her skirts she didn’t protest, nor when he placed his hands on the backs of her thighs and pulled her onto his lap so she was straddling him, her skirts frothing around her.

‘It’s so much better than the photos,’ Rick murmured.

Stella blinked as his voice dragged her back to the present. She took a step back as the vivid image of Vasco played large in her mind.

‘It’s amazing, Rick,’ she agreed. ‘Just...incredible.’

Rick smiled at her as his hand continued to stroke the leather. He was pleased Stella was here to share this moment with him. This boat, more than any of the ones they’d been on over the years, connected them in a way only shared childhood dreams could.

‘Let’s take her out,’ he said, standing. The sudden urge to hoist a sail and go where the wind took him shot through his veins like the first sip of beer on a hot summer day.

‘I know we should be provisioning her for our trip but we can do that tomorrow. Let’s take her over to Green Island. Give her a good run. We can go snorkelling. We have the basics here...well, we have beer anyway...and we can catch some fish and anchor there for the night. I want to lie on the deck and look at the stars like we used to do when we were kids.’

‘Sure,’ she agreed readily. Anything, anything to get her out of this saloon and far away from the fantasy.

Where the hell was her filter? She did not fantasise

about Rick.

Not in front of him anyway.

‘Fabulous idea. Can I take her once she’s out of the harbour?’

Stella had learned to sail practically before she could walk. Her father had seen to that. Hell, so had her mother, a keen sailor in her own right, but it had been a lot of years since she’d been on the open sea.

‘You still remember what to do?’ Rick teased.

She smiled at him. ‘I’m sure it’ll come back to me. It’s just like riding a bike, yes?’

Or having sex.

Diana had assured her you didn’t forget how to do that either.

‘Don’t worry, I’ll be there to guide you. Do you trust me?’

Yep...exactly what Vasco had said to Lady Mary.

Do you trust me?

Stella swallowed. ‘I trust that you don’t want me to run your very expensive boat—sorry, the company’s very expensive boat—onto a reef,’ she quipped.

Rick laughed. ‘You have that right. Come on, first mate, let’s get this show on the road.’

* * *

Within half an hour they were under way, out on the open ocean, and Stella couldn’t remember the last time she’d felt this alive. She’d waited patiently while Rick had used the motor to manoeuvre out of the harbour, then helped him with the still familiar motions of putting up the sails. She heard Lucinda sigh as they billowed with the moderate breeze and her pulse leapt as the boat surged forward, slicing across the whitecaps.

Rick, who had taken his shirt off—of course—stood behind her at the wheel for the first ten minutes, giving her a quick refresher. It wasn’t needed. Her feel for the boat was instantaneous, like the familiarity of her own heartbeat, and even if it hadn’t been they could easily have switched to the sophisticated autopilot system guided by the satellite technology that he’d had installed as part of the fully computerised upgrade.

But it was exhilarating to feel the pulse of the ocean beneath her feet Copyright 2016 - 2024