Devastated (Anger Management #1) - R.L. Mathewson Page 0,88

dressed man, she’d like to point out, climbed into the tub.

“Going over the rules,” Hunter said with a weary sigh as he somehow managed to fit his large body behind her, careful to make sure that his shoes didn’t scratch her skin as he stretched his long legs out alongside hers as he added, “Again.”

“Umm, what rules are you talking about?” she asked, as she settled back against him.

“The ones that you’ve clearly forgotten about, Miss Ashcroft,” Hunter said, as he tried to get more comfortable.

“And you had to climb in the tub in your clothes to do this?” Kylie asked, as she tilted her head back against his chest so that she could look up at him.

“I wanted to make sure that you remembered the rules this time, Miss Clark,” he said, as he grabbed the bar of soap.

“Oh, I’m definitely going to remember this,” she said, feeling her lips twitch with amusement as she reached back and pulled his tie loose.

“Good, because I don’t like having to repeat myself,” he said, sounding pleased as he dropped the bar of soap in the water before he managed to tear a moan from her as his hands found her breasts.

“Out of curiosity, when did we go over these rules?” she asked, as she pulled his tie free and dropped it over the side of the tub as Hunter continued to run his hands over her breasts.

“The day when we first met, Miss Stainton,” he said, sighing heavily before muttering, “I knew that you weren’t paying attention,” with a sad shake of his head.

“Do you mean when you threw me over your shoulder and carried me like a sack of potatoes while ranting about being late and doing my job correctly the first time without bitching while also making sure that I understood that making excuses wouldn’t be accepted?” she asked, as her eyes slid closed on a moan.

“You forgot the most important rule, Miss Lynn,” Hunter said, as she felt his lips brush against the side of her neck as he ran his soapy palms over her nipples.

“What’s that?” she asked, licking her lips as her hands found his thighs.

“That when I tell you that I love you,” he said, pausing so that he could take her mouth in a slow sensual kiss as his hand slid down her stomach, “that I mean that I love you more than anything else in this world, Kylie.”


“Really?” the small woman trembling in his arms asked.

“I love you, Kylie,” he promised her, more than willing to say it as many times as she needed.

He loved her so fucking much. The funny thing was that he never saw this coming, never wanted it to happen, and now that it had…

He never wanted to let her go.

“I love you,” Hunter said, tightening his hold on her breast.

“I love you,” he said, as he kissed his way down her neck.

“I love you,” he said, as he slid his hand between her legs.

“I love you,” he said, as he shifted so that he could hook her legs over his knees.

“I love you,” he said, kissing her neck as he traced her slit with his fingertips.

“I love you,” he said, as he found her clit.

“I love you,” he said, as he gently caressed her clit, kissing her neck as he closed his eyes and said, “I love you,” one more time.


“Hunter?” Kylie managed to get out on a shaky breath as her grip tightened on his legs and she forced herself to ignore the way that her heart was beating against her chest and said those three little words that she’d never thought that she would be able to say.

“I love you.”

She felt him go still and then-

“Hunter?” she said, worrying her bottom lip as he pulled his hands away.

When she opened her eyes and moved to turn around, she suddenly found herself picked up and carefully placed on the bathroom floor. Frowning, she turned around to find Hunter watching her as he grabbed hold of the side of the tub and pulled himself up.

“Say it again,” he said, watching her as he stood up.

Licking her lips, she said, “I love you,” as she shifted nervously.

“Again,” he said, as he climbed out of the tub, his gaze never left her.

“I love you,” she said, as he reached for her.

“Again,” he said, pulling her into his arms.

“I love you.”

Chapter 37

“This is getting creepy,” the small woman curled up against him said with a sleepy smile.

“I like watching you sleep,” Copyright 2016 - 2024