Destiny Gift (The Everlast Trilogy) - By Juliana Haygert Page 0,84

note, I shivered. The music filled my hurting body, expanding my veins with hope, clarifying my thoughts. And I remembered. The joy of singing, the good it did me, the strength it gave me, the will to do more, to be more.

I remembered my family. And Raisa. And Olivia.

My family and friends needed me. I couldn’t just die and leave them behind, alone to fend for themselves. I had promised myself I would work hard and support my family, provide them with a better future. I had to keep moving, keep living, forget about Victor, and dig into my original plan—to study and become a doctor and provide for my family. What’s more, I didn’t know if Omi or Imha knew who I was yet. But I knew if they figured out who I was, they could certainly harm my family to get to me, to learn the truth about the guys from me. I couldn’t allow anyone to harm them. I wouldn’t. I had to protect them.

I had to get out of here. I would get out of here. I would live.

Other times, the visions had showed me what to do and saved me. This time, I wouldn’t have them and I would have to make do even so.

By the end of the song, my face was wet with fresh, warm tears.

I sat up with my back against a desk and looked into Morgan’s eyes. “How did you know?”

He smiled. “That singing would bring you back? I didn’t. I just prayed it would.”

I sighed. My body still hurt from the punches and the damned liquid, but my head was clearer. I wanted to feel better, to beat the weariness out of my body, and to find a way out.

I eyed the classroom, trying to find anything I had missed before—a back door, another unsealed window, a phone. “Any plans?”

“None yet. All I know is we’re far away from Cathedral Rock in an abandoned school close to an interstate. Outside, there are demons everywhere, but I only saw two inside. The ones guarding our door.”

“Did you happen to see Micah when you were being brought here?”

“I wish,” he said, shaking his head. “My guess is that Brock is keeping him somewhere else, some place special, with more protection. He’s a god after all.”

Yes, a god. It still was hard to believe. “We need to think,” I said.

“You know, even if we come up with a plan, it won’t be easy.”

“We can’t give up yet.”

Morgan started to smile, but Brock burst into the room.

“Ah, the dear friends are reconnecting. How joyful! Nadine, I can see you’re looking better. Ready to answer my questions, or do you want more of my elixir?”

“Does it come in strawberry flavor?”

His eyes registered the affront. “Insolent girl!” He raised his hand. I flinched, anticipating the blow, but it didn’t come. He seemed to reconsider and asked again, “Last chance. What happened at Cathedral Rock, and where is your friend, the one who was with you at the bar?”

“He went to buy a smoothie, then he left on his flying carpet, and I stayed to play with your demons.” I knew I was angering him, but since I wouldn’t crack, I might as well enjoy it. And I loved watching his cheeks redden in anger. “Give up already. I won’t tell you anything.”

Brock clasped his hands together. “Yes, I already figured that out. I’m preparing a rite to summon Omi. He will take you and extract the answers he needs from you. Very painfully.”

Morgan’s wide eyes met mine. Oh God!

“Brock,” Morgan started. “Please, for our old friendship, let us go.”

The other priest’s evil laugh made the hairs on my arms stand on end. “I haven’t been your friend for years. I’ve been using your knowledge and your aura sensing power for my own advantage.”

Morgan’s lips tightened. Ouch, hearing all that from someone he had considered a friend hurt. I had felt that myself.

“How do you think I found Omi?” Brock continued. “With your ability. And you didn’t even know it. Fool.”

When Brock left the room, Morgan remained frozen, staring at the spot his former friend had been. I wanted to respect his feelings, but we didn’t have time to waste.

“Morgan,” I called in a soothing tone. “I’m sorry.”

He shook his head and faced me. His eyes were hard as ice. “No, it’s okay. I should have seen that coming. He has always been ambitious. Apparently, not in a good way.”

“Are you okay?”

He let out a hollow chuckle. Copyright 2016 - 2024