Destiny Gift (The Everlast Trilogy) - By Juliana Haygert Page 0,82

in some kind of classroom. A freezing, putrid, and deserted classroom. A long crack ran down the length of a blackboard and the windows were boarded. Broken desks cluttered the area and spiderwebs coated the ceiling.

“Have you reconsidered?” he asked.

For a second, I was lost. What was he talking about? Then it all came rushing back to me.

I still couldn’t believe it. Levi was Victor, Mitrus was Micah, Ceris was Cheryl. And I had been a toy in their hands. I felt sick and put my hand over my stomach in an attempt to soothe the turmoil. It still hurt from the kick and was quite painful to breathe deeply.

Brock touched my leg. I slapped it off. “Stay away.”

“Hmm, a feisty one.” His gaze ran the length of my body. “Hmm, I bet you’re delicious.”

“Go to hell!”

He laughed. “My dear, Nadine, we already live in hell.”

“Then why do you want to help Imha and Omi make hell even worse?”

“Because I won’t be living in it,” he answered. “I’ll receive gold, women, a title, and a new home near the Clarity Castle if I deliver them any information that may justify the recent powerful episodes.”

So, did the gods know about Victor and Micah and their true identity? I might be outside the situation now, but I wouldn’t be the one to crack and tell who the guys really were—especially after Micah had stayed with me and tried to defend me from the demons. I wanted to ask where he was, but I didn’t want to show Brock I cared, and I was sure he wouldn’t answer me.

“You’re wasting your time,” I said.

“We’ll see about that.” Without taking his eyes from me, Brock walked to the door and opened it.

Two giant demons, larger than gorillas and smelling worse than skunks, entered the classroom and approached me.

I swallowed the bile that built up in my mouth and cringed. “No,” I whispered. I pressed myself against the wall, wishing I could blend into the wood and plaster against my back.

They grabbed me and made me kneel, holding my arms outstretched. I squirmed against their cold, strong holds.

“Now, Nadine,” Brock said, pacing, “be a good girl and answer me. What happened at Cathedral Rock?”

I didn’t say a word. The grip around my arms tightened, and I clenched my teeth.

“Remember, you’re asking for it,” Brock said. He punched my stomach.

My vision blurred and I couldn’t breathe. If the brutes hadn’t been holding me, I would have crumpled to the ground and cried.

Brock readied himself to deliver another punch.

“No, please,” I whispered.

“Where is your friend?” he asked. “Why wasn’t the third one with you atop the rock?”

I shook my head. Brock hit me in the stomach again, then in my face, then in my chest. I clenched my teeth and swallowed back agonizing screams. I wouldn’t humor him while he beat me or answer anything he was asking.

Then, he changed tactics. Instead of hitting me again, Brock produced a crystal vial from inside of his pocket.

I struggled against the brutes that held me pinned in place. “What is that?”

He glanced at the liquid inside the vial, a sneer taking over his features. “I’m the one asking the questions here. What happened at the rock?”

I bit my tongue and held his pretentious gaze.

“Suit yourself,” he said, approaching me.

I jerked against the demons’ hold, but one of them tugged my hair, causing my head to tilt back. The other used its ghoulish fingers to open my mouth. I fought them, but how did I hope to win? I was a domestic cat being squashed by two rhinos.

Brock let a few drops of the vial’s liquid drip inside my mouth, which slid down my throat. Its taste was sugary and almost pleasant.

“Let her be,” Brock ordered. They pushed me to the floor. “I’ll give you some time to think.”

He stormed out of the room and the demons went with him. I was left alone in the dark classroom.

It was my chance to try and get away. Instead, I remained on the ground, weak and hurt and exhausted. I hugged my knees and let the tears fall.

Where was Micah when I needed him to come and save me?

That was when it began. The drops he’d given me burned and slowly made their way into my chest, then my stomach, and then it was everywhere. The drops scorched, prickled, and maimed every inch of my body.

I wished the pain would stop. Even if it meant I would have to die.

Chapter Twenty Seven

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