Destiny Gift (The Everlast Trilogy) - By Juliana Haygert Page 0,66

hoping the sugar acted fast and rescued me from my state. I turned on the shower and downed another can of Coke while I waited for the water to warm up. I focused on breathing in and out, slowly and deeply, making sure I didn’t think of anything that had just happened. I didn’t want to … No, I couldn’t endure thinking of anything that had just happened.

It didn’t suffice to have hallucinations and to become insane. I had to make a fool of myself too.

Glad my mind was numb, I started to take my shoes off when a knock paralyzed me.

I bet it was Micah. He had probably seen the scene and now wanted to comfort me. God, I so wasn’t in the mood for that! I ignored the knock and continued undoing the straps of my heels.

The knock reverberated again, louder this time.


Victor! My pulse pounding, I kept quiet, and even turned the shower off so he would think I was sleeping.

“Come on, open up. I want to see if you’re okay.” He knocked again.

Why did he want to see if I was okay? Why was he here, adding to my torment and my broken heart?

The knock became louder.

“I’m okay, Victor,” I lied. “You can go.”

“Please, open up.” His voice sounded lower, more urgent.

Weak against my emotions, I opened the door and found him leaning against the doorframe, his damned sexy hair over his entrancing eyes, looking straight at me.

I crossed my arms and placed myself in front of the door to emphasize he was not welcome. “What do you want?”

“To apologize for what I said. Or the way I said it. Can I come in?”

“I don’t think that’s necessary.” I reached for the door to close it.

He put out his arm to hold the door open. He took a step closer. “Let me come in.”

Sighing, I turned my back and walked to the small open space in the room. He closed the door and followed me inside.

“So? I made a fool of myself, but that wasn’t enough?” I snapped, my calm temper slipping away like water through my open fingers.

“No, no. You just left, and you weren’t in a great state. I needed to make sure you got here okay.”

My soul wrenched inside my body, watching him run those fingers through that beautiful hair, but I still felt resentful. I spread my arms wide. “As you can see, I got here okay. You don’t need to pretend to be my babysitter. You can go now.”

“Are you sure you’re okay?”

I glanced at the floor, praying to gather strength from somewhere. “Please, Victor, don’t make me feel worse than I already do.”

“I never meant to make you feel bad,” he said, sounding closer.

I glanced up. He was closer. “I don’t want your pity,” I whispered, hot tears in my eyes. “I can’t take your pity.”

“Nadine, I do not p—”

“Please! You’re not helping.”

“What do you want me to say to you?” His voice took on an angry tone as he took another step toward me.

I flinched, but felt a little relieved to see he wasn’t so calm all the time. “I don’t know. The things I wanted you to say aren’t true, so it doesn’t matter. I want you to forget everything.”

“No, no. Say it.”


“Because it helps.”

Helped whom? Not me anyway. He wasn’t making any sense. “Victor, go away, please.” I tried to push him back, but he wouldn’t budge. “Why are you doing this? Please, let me be.” I punched his chest. “I opened up my heart to you, and you shut me out. Please. GET OUT!”

“I won’t! What do you want me to say?” He paced forward, making me retreat. “Want me to tell you that you get to me? That since the first time I saw you, you affected me?” His voice was high and rough. “That I tried not looking for you every time I felt the pain because I knew I would be weak and would fall for you? Do you realize that everyone I have ever loved is now dead?” He trapped me between the bed and him. “Should I tell you I’m scared of getting close to anyone because they might end up dead? That I’m scared of getting close to you? That I’m scared of losing you?”

I was sure I had died.

He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulled me up, and covered my mouth with his.

God, I had dreamed of this moment so, so many times. Yet, this Victor wasn’t my Copyright 2016 - 2024