Destiny Gift (The Everlast Trilogy) - By Juliana Haygert Page 0,61

pointed toward the horizon. “The world can’t survive in the chaos it is in.”

“To have a chance of avoiding the end, you and your friends need to come here,” Lavni said.

“What is so special about this place?” I asked, looking around. All I saw were red rocks.

“Ask Morgan. He knows,” one said with a knowing smile.

They waved their hands and the horizon changed. The darkness of the sky descended, winged creatures advanced, and lightning struck.

“If they catch you before you arrive, it will be the end.” I heard the Fates’ voices, though they weren’t by my side anymore. “The world will be at war with the darkness. And the darkness will win.”

Images flashed before me on the vast horizon: the Eiffel Tower in Paris and the Cristo Redentor in Brazil crumbled to the ground, winged monsters devoured people in parks, huge waves brought gigantic sea creatures up to die on beaches, fireballs hurled from the skies burned the ground, children yelled and ran from schools as earthquakes destroyed everything. All the while, Imha stood on the side, observing and laughing with pleasure.

My stomach revolved and I fell on my butt.

Micah and Victor knelt by my side. Morgan stood close behind. I scanned the area, realizing I was back from the vision and we were alone in the beige stone room.

“What did you see?” Micah asked, leaning closer, his cool breath washing through my skin. I inhaled deeply, hoping his sweet scent would numb my senses and I could just stay down and not care about anything else. “Nadine, talk to me.”

“Nadine.” It was Victor, his voice holding a gentle tone. “Say something.”

I didn’t want to say anything. All I wanted was to close my eyes and forget about gods and Fates and visions and auras.

But I didn’t. I could feel within my soul my vision was true. “What is so special about Cathedral Rock?” I asked Morgan in a clear and loud tone, masking my fear and my frustration.

He pressed his hands together. “Cathedral Rock is a gateway to the Clarity Castle.”


“That is, if the stories are true,” Morgan said from the backseat of Victor’s car. We had left Jacksonville and were now on the road toward Sedona, Arizona. To Cathedral Rock.

“With us, which story has not been true?” Micah asked, eyeing his backseat partner.

Morgan threw his hands up. “Man, I’m on your side. That’s why I’m coming with you, isn’t it?” He sounded more like an excited young man than a fifty-year-old priest.

“How long to Sedona?” Micah asked while I stifled a laugh. I just hoped he didn’t kill Morgan before we got there.

Victor glanced at the dashboard. “Thirty hours, according to the GPS.”

Morgan leaned forward. “We need to make a stop in Wichita.”

“Kansas?” I asked, looking back at them, and saw Morgan nod. “Why?”

“I know a priest there. Last week, on the phone, he mentioned he was studying the gateways,” he explained. “We might need his guidance.”

“Again, why?” I asked.

“Because the gateway is a place of strong power and it isn’t out there for everyone to see,” Morgan said. “It’s hidden somewhere among those rocks, and I know nothing about what to look for. My friend does.”

I turned to our driver, hoping he wouldn’t snap again for having to take us even farther. With a sidelong glance, Victor nodded.

“All right, boys,” I said. “We’re going to Kansas.”

Chapter Twenty One

It was almost midnight when we stopped at a hotel past Birmingham, Alabama.

This time we took two rooms, and Micah called dibs on sleeping with me. In the hallway, after bidding goodnight to the others, I caught Victor’s gaze lingering on me. I saw something there, something I couldn’t quite grasp. Was he jealous? No. Then worried? That wasn’t it either.

Inside our room, Micah threw himself at one of the beds, tossing me one of his trademark smiles. “So, darling, will you join me?” He patted the empty space beside him.

I rolled my eyes and rummaged through my things. “Why are you in this?”

He sat up straight. “What do you mean?”

“Why are you here? Why are you coming with us and helping us?”

“I thought it was pretty obvious. Because of you, darling.” He winked and I rolled my eyes again. “Okay, seriously, I don’t know.” His tone became quieter. “There are a few moments when I believe that whatever is happening to us has something to do with the darkness surrounding the world.”

“What do you mean?”

“I don’t know.” He shrugged. “The bats and the feelings make me think the darkness Copyright 2016 - 2024