Destiny Gift (The Everlast Trilogy) - By Juliana Haygert Page 0,56

sauntering toward the dungeon door. With her back to me, she added, “I’ll give you a while longer. Choose wisely.”

She left. The door closed behind her, leaving me in total darkness. Despite myself, I cried.

A harsh jerk of my shoulders pulled me out of the vision. I blinked several times before being able to discern Micah’s face close to mine, his deep black eyes holding a hint of worry. Beside him stood Victor with the same worry spread over his features. He awkwardly held a towel around my naked, dripping-wet body.

My mind worked to figure out what had happened. It had been late night when we’d stopped in Fayetteville, North Carolina, to eat something and to sleep. We’d found a motel and, though I protested, we stayed in one room again. As Micah had said, it was safer to stay together in case something happened.

The last thing I remembered before being in the dungeon was taking a hot and relaxing shower. That must have been when the vision had come to me.

Super self-conscious of my unclothed state, I flushed as I pulled Micah’s hand away and tightened the towel around myself.

“What are you doing in here?” I snapped, crossing my arms over my chest as if my folded arms would help hide my body.

“You were screaming like a mad chicken,” Micah said.

“We called to you, but you didn’t answer,” Victor added, avoiding my gaze.

“So we forced our way in.” Micah pointed to the door behind them where I saw the broken lock.

I stepped out of the tub, found a robe hanging beside the sink, and put it on over the now soaked towel.

“I must say though,” he said, staring at me with his sly smile, “you would look good in a bikini. Much better than many famous singers.”

I rolled my eyes, the heat growing intense in my cheeks.

Finally looking at me, Victor asked, “What happened?” His soft tone sent a shiver through me.

My first instinct was to glance at my wrists, to see if they were all right.

“It was a vision, wasn’t it?” Micah asked, examining my eyes.

“Yes,” I muttered, a knot in my throat. I was about to fall, but the guys held my arms and pulled me into the bedroom, helping me sit down on the bed.

Seated beside me, Victor held my arms to stop them from shaking. “What did you see?”

“I have a better idea,” Micah said, sitting on the other bed, facing us. “Why don’t you tell us about all your visions? I don’t know what you usually see.”

I closed my eyes and shook my head. I wanted to tell them about my visions, but I wasn’t sure I felt comfortable sharing them. Besides, they added to my fears of insanity and the confusion inside my head.

“Please,” Victor asked. His eyes were gentle. “You said that after meeting me, you had other visions you don’t understand. Tell us.”

How could I deny him? After a deep breath, I related my past visions, all of them.

“It was horrible,” I said, stifling a sob. “I felt it all.”

“Do you think these visions are related?” Micah asked, getting up and pacing before me. “Are they showing you what is happening, or maybe what has happened?”

I noticed he was thinking out loud, but I had to add, “I wasn’t tortured in the past, if that’s what you are asking.” And I certainly hoped not to be tortured in the future.

“True, true,” he said, a thought line carved into his forehead. After a while, he turned to me. “I hope this Morgan guy knows about your visions too.”

I nodded, agreeing with him. I hoped Cheryl had been right to give me the guy’s card. I couldn’t take much more of this terror.

Chapter Nineteen

Around six in the morning, we were already on the road. This time, I welcomed the intoxicating mix of the guys’ scents to daze me. It was a little easier than dealing with the images that loomed behind my closed eyes.

Close to Jacksonville, the cities and towns weren’t only dirty and deserted, they seemed destroyed or in ruins. My stomach tightened. Jacksonville wasn’t much different. Houses stood without roofs, buildings with broken windows and doors; trees had fallen in the middle of the streets, and parks were littered with shattered benches and destroyed playgrounds. In short, a mess, like the rest of the country.

When Victor stopped the car in a large abandoned parking lot, I gaped. “It can’t be here.”

He checked the business card once more. “Well, that’s the address.”

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