Destiny Gift (The Everlast Trilogy) - By Juliana Haygert Page 0,50

we need to leave before they reconsider the fear they feel for me and attack the three of us,” he explained.

“And why do they want to attack us?” Victor asked, as the elevator door opened at the first floor.

“That’s a good question I don’t have an answer for,” Micah said, stepping out of the elevator.

A quick sequence of images rushed in my mind. The bats flying in. The outside door at the garage downstairs. Victor’s car parked on the other side of the street.

On impulse, I pulled Micah back inside the elevator as the front glass broke and the shrieks exploded in the lobby. I pressed the close-doors button and watched as the bats flew in and advanced toward us, my finger already on the garage button.

Micah turned to me. “What was that?”

“Just …” I shook my head, not sure what to tell them. Instead, I glanced at Victor. “Your car is parked around the corner, right?”

“Yes, right beside the garage door. How do you know?”

I lowered my gaze. “I’m not sure.” The elevator doors opened again to the underground garage, and I beckoned for them to follow me. “Victor, do you still have my keys?”

“Here.” He extended them to me as we rushed to the end of the garage.

I grabbed the keys and found the one I wanted. “I’m not sure how it’s going to be, if the bats will know we’re on the other side of the building already, but I think we should run to the car.” My stomach revolted just imagining being out there with the bats.

“Wait.” Micah raised his hand. “I won’t leave my bike out there alone.”

I faced him. “What do you want to do? Run there?”

Micah crossed his arms. “Well, not run, but you could drop me right in front of it. Hopefully, the bats will stay away from me.”

“And then what?” Victor asked, his tone irritated.

“Drive west and drive fast,” Micah said, pulling his phone from his pocket. “I’ll follow you. Give me your number so we can contact each other.”

“You broke my cell phone,” I said, regaining some of my confidence.

He glanced at me with his trademark smile. “Yeah, sorry about that.” He nodded at Victor. “Give me yours.” They exchanged numbers. “On three,” Micah said as I unlocked the door and we got ready to bolt. “Ready. THREE.”

We left the building and ran together to Victor’s car. We made it inside when winged things rounded the corner, their screams gelling my soul. I shuddered.

Victor started the car and drove to the front of the building, the bats hovering above us.

Micah leaned close to the door. “About fifty miles east of here, there is a big and colorful gas station. Meet me there.”

“There are dozens of gas stations on the road,” I yelled.

“Not that many anymore. Besides, it has giant neon signs and many colored lamps.” He bowed at me. “No way of missing it.”

He opened and closed the car door, and ran to his bike.

A bat closed in on him and I inhaled sharply. Micah turned to face it and, slowly, it retreated.

“How can he do that?” Victor gaped as Micah hopped on his bike.

“I don’t know,” I whispered, equally amazed.

Two bats bumped into the car and Victor sprang into action, taking off and driving to the unknown.

Chapter Seventeen

The silence inside the car was killing me, but I wasn’t going to be the one to crack. As far as I knew, my mind was too messed up for me to say anything coherent.

I kept replaying everything that had happened in the last month. I’d met Micah, found a real-life but different Victor, lost contact with Cheryl, and lost the visions of dream Victor. Freaky gods appeared in my visions, and I’d watched both the destruction of a town in Switzerland and a part of Micah’s past in visions. Plus the shining number eight.

I would give anything to crawl inside a cave and have a vision, a long and permanent vision, where Victor, the dream Victor, and I lived happily ever after. Instead, I was now on the road. My heart squeezed tight, hurting. My hands shook every time I thought about the things that were happening to me, and I didn’t understand. I was scared and alone. I took a deep breath. If only I could go home and forget about it all.

However, I was buried too deep in this mess. I had to find out what was happening. Why bats were coming for me, why there were two guys Copyright 2016 - 2024