Destiny Gift (The Everlast Trilogy) - By Juliana Haygert Page 0,42


“What do you want to watch?”

Instead of answering, I glanced at my cell phone’s screen. It was almost three in the morning! Wouldn’t we sleep?

“Anything,” I said, not really interested.

“Come on, help me chose something.”

Instead of choosing, we picked movies from the drawer, commenting on each one. Some made me laugh, some made me gloomy, but nothing beat being relaxed around this Victor.

Neatly organized on the first row were classics like Batman Begins, Dark Knight, Iron Man, Lord of The Rings, Matrix, Star Wars, Star Trek, Indiana Jones, and X-Men. With my hair coiled around my finger, I decided to put him to the test once more.

“These are your favorites,” I said.

“Yup. Want to watch one of these?”

I knew it. Like everything else, his favorite movies were the same as in my visions.

“I’ll let you pick.”

With a half-smile, he pulled out the first in the Star Wars series and put it on for us. Wishing I was in bed, dreaming of guardian angels, I tried to prepare myself for hours of movie watching. Thankfully, it wasn’t necessary. An hour after the film’s start, I noticed he was sleeping.

With gentle hands, I pulled his heavy legs up on the loveseat, placed a pillow under his neck, and grabbed a thin comforter from his bedroom to spread over him. On tiptoes, I went to the guest room and changed to my clothes. Then, I went back to the kitchen and left more mochaccino ready for later. After making sure he was well and still sleeping, at exactly five in the morning, I left with conflicting feelings of uncertainty, sadness, and contentment playing inside my chest.

Chapter Fifteen

Apart from the gray skies, the scene was breathtaking. Standing at the edge of a precipice, I had a clear view of the town that lay below, among many hills and mountains. Many European style houses, a few parks and squares, almost no tall buildings created an inviting mosaic. At the center of the town, a large angel fountain marked where eight roads met.

Water splashed behind me, and as I turned around, I saw several gorgeous women dancing and singing along the shore of a blue lake. Some played harps and others blew in flutes. The women, clad in skimpy white dresses, had long hair adorned by flowers; pale, shiny skin; eyes that shone like torches; and cherry-red lips. They were beautiful in a ghostly way.

The lake before me was blue and clean. The scent of fresh water and wild flowers was intense, and I welcomed it.

I approached them, certain that I was in an observation-only vision. That was when I saw a thick black cloud coming toward them from the opposite direction. With it came the flapping of many huge wings. My blood froze in my veins. Oh no.

From among the cloud, Omi, dressed in his usual crumpled white suit, came forward, holding his stave. Instantly, the women dropped everything they were doing and stood together, facing the imposing god. I stayed close to them.

“Oh mighty Omi, to what do we owe your visit?” one of the women asked, bowing.

“Where is she?” His skittish gaze scanned the surroundings. “I can feel her aura lingering here. Where is she now? Answer me, nymphs!”

“Who are you talking about, my Lord?” another one asked, also bowing.

“Do not elude me,” Omi snarled. “You know exactly who I am talking about and you are going to tell me what she was doing here and where she is now!” He raised his hand and the black cloud behind him advanced a little, the sound of ruffling wings increasing. The women gasped, taking a few steps back. “Where is the goddess of love and family and beauty?”

“We don’t know, my Lord,” a blue-haired nymph answered.

He pointed his stave at them. “I can sense her aura!”

Another nymph curtsied and said, “Yes, my Lord, she came here, but we don’t know what she was doing or where she went.”

“Lies,” Omi yelled. With a wicked grin splitting his face, he raised his stave. “One more chance to tell me her location.”

“But, my Lord, we don’t know!” One of the nymphs fell on her knees. “Please, believe us.”

Another one stepped forward. “It’s true, my Lord. The goddess came here, but she didn’t speak to us. We know nothing about her.”

Omi grunted. “Is that your final answer?”

“Yes, mighty god,” the blue-haired one answered.

With an enraged cry, he swept his arm down. At the cue, the black cloud parted, revealing the foul creatures within, the same ones I had Copyright 2016 - 2024