Destiny Gift (The Everlast Trilogy) - By Juliana Haygert Page 0,40

picture frames on an end table displaying the happy faces of his parents and his grandparents.

While I looked around, he remained quiet. I watched as he walked in his bedroom, turned on the shower, and disappeared in there for a few minutes. I found myself twirling my hair with one hand and gripping the arm of his sofa with the other so as not to go spy on him.

When he came back, he didn’t even look at me, but my heart stopped in that moment. He was wearing black sweatpants and nothing else. No shirt, no shoes. And his golden hair was damp from his shower. I could feel my eyes widen and my mouth hang open, but there was no way I couldn’t react. God, he was simply perfect. He wasn’t buff, but his chest and arms and back had lean, hard muscles. Even his chiseled jaw provoked me at that moment. I was dying, and he wasn’t even aware of it.

He strolled to the kitchen, served two glasses of Pepsi, and took out a box of frozen pizza from the freezer to pop in the oven. Stopping by the living room, he handed me one of the glasses and went back to his room. All without looking at me.

What was I doing here? Why had I come with him? He hadn’t even invited me officially. I did say I wouldn’t leave him, but he seemed better now, and he wasn’t even speaking to me. So, why was I still here?

I stood and tiptoed to the door, hoping to leave unnoticed. My hand was on the knob when he came out of his room—now wearing a black T-shirt.

He went into the kitchen. “Pizza is ready.” He took the pizza out of the oven, still not looking at me.

“I don’t want to bother you more than I already have.”

He finally looked at me, and his hard eyes were doleful and inconsolable. “The pizza is getting cold.”

I went to the table and sat across from him, where he set my plate and cutlery. We ate in silence.

“Only two slices?” he asked, noticing I had finished eating. He was on his sixth slice and still going. “No wonder you’re so thin.”

“Excuse me?” I snapped.

His lip twitched up in a mocking smile, and God help me, my heart flipped. “Well, if you’re always like that, then your appetite is like a bird’s.”

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Oh God, he sounded just like my dream Victor and that was not fair. So not fair.

Without a word, I got up and took my plate to the sink. Before I could start washing it, he stood behind me. He reached out and took the plate from my hand. I held my breath so his fresh scent couldn’t entice me. Stepping to the side, he placed the plate inside the dishwasher and went back to the table to finish his food.

I decided it was best for me to sit in the living room, away from him, from his wary eyes, his powerful body, and his intoxicating scent.

My cell phone rang. I was shocked to find out it was already midnight. It was Raisa calling, and she would probably yell at me.

“Where are you?” She did yell.

“I’m with Victor.”

“You are? Oh lord.” She giggled. “Well, I’m gonna let you go back to him, but be warned—I want every detail.” I could almost see her wide smile. Sure, Raisa thought I was out on a date with him. If only.

We disconnected, and I found Victor nearby, standing before a window, looking at the dark streets. What now?

I shot up. It was time for me to go home. I couldn’t stay here, looking at him and not doing anything. My chest ached and I felt like an intruder.

“I guess I’m going,” I said, half hoping he wouldn’t hear me.

But he did. And he turned to stare at me. “And how do you plan to get home?”

I showed him my cell phone in my hand and turned to the door. “I’ll call a taxi.”

“Wait.” He took a few steps in my direction. I stopped and watched as he ran a hand through his hair and avoided my gaze. I would give almost anything to find out what was going through his mind. Finally, he looked at me and said, “I was thinking about inviting you to sleep here, in the guest bedroom.” He swallowed hard. “I didn’t want to spend the night completely alone.”

Oh, it broke my Copyright 2016 - 2024