Destiny Gift (The Everlast Trilogy) - By Juliana Haygert Page 0,38

loved. But just for one second. I shook my head, wishing there was a switch where I could turn “me” off sometimes.

“Do you need my touch?” I asked, a hostile end to my words.


“Good.” I turned. And practically ran over Micah. “Hi,” I whispered, aware I sounded like a breathless teenage girl.

With his black eyes shadowed by a scowling brow, he said, “Hello.” His frown deepened as he glanced from me to Victor. Then, he gave a brief nod to Victor, who nodded back.

“Is everything all right?” Micah asked as he stepped closer to me.

“Yes,” I said. “I was just leaving. Going home.”

“I’ll walk you.” He offered me his arm without taking his glaring eyes from Victor’s.

With all my strength I tried not to, but I glanced at Victor. As if he had felt it, his gaze briefly met mine, much softer than the scowl he’d offered Micah.

I forced myself to keep going. “Sure.” I linked my arm with Micah’s, turned away from Victor, and left without saying goodbye.

Only after we had walked about a block did Micah seem to relax.

“Who is that guy?”

“Just … a guy.” I glanced up at him. He seemed more relaxed, yes, but not his normal confident self. “What is it?”

He kicked a pebble on the pavement. “Nothing.”

He seemed worried or frustrated by something, but I decided it was better not to press him for answers. Instead, I remained quiet the rest of the way, occasionally humming the last song I’d heard at the carnival.

“Well,” I said when we got close to my building. “Thanks for walking me.”

He shook his head and flashed one of his dazzling smiles. He was recovering. Definitely. “Thank you for the company.” He bowed.

I curled a lock of my hair. “See you soon?”

“Hmm, I’m leaving.”

“What?” my voice broke, revealing my discontent.

He grinned and approached me. Oh God. His serious eyes bore into mine. “Something came up. I need to go abroad.”

“For how long?”

“I don’t know.”

“So, you need my touch?” The hole in my soul called “disappointment” grew. Didn’t they all need my touch? That was probably the only thing I served for. Once more, I felt used.

“I don’t need it, but I would like to have it. Like recharging batteries, you know?”

“Yup,” I snapped, my temper rising. I extended my hand to him. “A goodbye gift.”

As soon as his hands covered mine, the cold jolt spread from my skin to his. I watched as he boosted his energy and sent away the pains.

Then it was done and he pulled back.

Micah glanced at his cell phone. “It’s time for me to go.”

Anxiety hit me. I might feel used, but I didn’t want anyone suffering. Not if I could do something about it. Even if that meant putting my needs last. “What are you going to do if it happens again?”

“What I did all these years. Grit my teeth and endure it.” He bowed, retreating. “Take care, Nadine.” His melodious voice wrapped around me.

“You too,” I whispered, unable to move.

I watched as he strode to his bike, about half a block down the street, and left in a cloud of exhaust fumes.

Chapter Fourteen

My plan was to remain in bed until the world ended, or until Cheryl called back or came over and forced me out of my bed, or until the girls called 911 and I was taken to a psychiatric hospital to spend the rest of my life.

But on Monday morning, Adam called, yelling at me that I was late. What a familiar refrain. Then, my mother called, saying how she was proud of me, of my plans for the future, of the person I was. If only she knew. But it was the hospital’s call that made me get up. I had been chosen for the position of Patient Care Technician, and they wanted me to go there that afternoon to sign the contract.

Finally, something good in my life. Perhaps it was a sign that not everything was lost, and that I shouldn’t let the craziness in my life take over. A sign to let me know I would get through this and I would be a great doctor and I would have money to provide a better life for my family.

I knew what could happen in the hospital, who I might meet there, but I tried to ignore that knowledge. I entered the clinic in the early afternoon and was escorted to human resources where I signed my contract. Suddenly, I felt a little chipper. The pay was much Copyright 2016 - 2024