Destiny Gift (The Everlast Trilogy) - By Juliana Haygert Page 0,15

to fall or get attacked again, it’s important I give you a ride.”

“All right,” I mumbled, hating myself for accepting his offer.

“Over here.” Still holding onto me, he walked to the other side of the street, where a black and red Harley Davidson was parked.

“That’s your ride?” I gaped. Wow. The motorcycle was stunning. I had never seen a Harley before, other than in pictures. There weren’t many bikes around since it was easy to get robbed or attacked when riding one. And Harleys were rare.

He offered me a grin. “Nice, uh? It’s my baby.” Without releasing my wrist, he put his other hand on the small of my back and gently pushed me forward. “Come on, let’s get you home.”

If he hadn’t assisted me, I wouldn’t have been able to cross the street. Each step sent painful jolts through my back. I winced, then squeezed his arm, which I only realized I held after I dug my nails into his jacket. He let out a chuckle.

“Sorry,” I mumbled, conscious of the heat growing in my cheeks. I loosened my grip, but didn’t let go.

“No problem.”

He hopped on his bike and helped me sit behind him. I avoided looking at his looming body and crossed my arms as if it were forbidden to touch him.

From over his shoulder, Micah glanced at me and laughed. It was one perfect sound.

“What?” I snapped, tightening my arms over my chest.

“I won’t bite,” he joked.

I had no intention of moving until he reached behind his back, grabbed my arms, and put them around his waist, pointedly resting my hands over his rigid abdomen. I had a hard time controlling my breathing since his sweet scent was intoxicating, or controlling the impulse to run my fingers over his lean muscles, or the urge to scoot closer.

He turned the Harley on, and it revved to life. “Where do you live?”

“At the next block.” I pointed behind us. “A white and blue building near the corner.”

“You were attacked one block from your home?” He sounded amused. I remained quiet. At least he wasn’t accelerating and I didn’t have to hang on tighter. “Boy, those bats must love you.”

“Shut up,” I snapped, then felt my cheeks burn with anger and embarrassment.

“Sorry.” He suppressed a chuckle. It only irritated me more. He drove the bike over to my building and brought it to a stop in front of the main door. “Is it here?”

“Yes.” I released him and got off the bike, but I had to lean against him when nausea and pain assaulted me.

He tugged me to him. “If you weren’t in such a rush to get rid of me, I would have helped you.”

I grunted and let him guide me to the door. I used the biometric lock, but Paul had already seen me and rushed up.

“Miss Sterling, what happened?” He glanced from me to Micah to my torn jacket.

“Bats,” Micah answered for me.

“Again?” Paul asked. I struggled to free myself from Micah and let the concierge help me.

Micah glanced down at me. “Again?”

“I guess bats like her,” Paul said. He chuckled and Micah grinned. I glared at them. “Sorry.” He straightened and took me from Micah, hooking my arm over his shoulders to steady me. “I’d better get you to your apartment.”

I turned to Micah. “Thanks again.”

“Yes. Good night.” He bowed and smiled, making my pulse faster. Then, he turned and strode out the door.

After the concierge helped me to my apartment and left me alone, I took a warm shower and sat down to clean my wounds. I had scratches on my back and arms and a purple bruise on my belly.

Because of the previous bat attacks I had experienced, I kept rabies vaccine in my medicine cabinet—it wasn’t something that pharmacies sold over the counter, but being in the pre-health program facilitated a few perks. I gave myself a shot and took three ibuprofen pills for pain.

I was leaving the bathroom when I caught my reflection in the foggy mirror. In front of the glass, I brushed my long, light-brown hair—it was the feature I liked most about me. I smiled, remembering how Victor liked my hair too.

That was when I recalled the reason I had gone out on the streets in the first place.

The brush hit the floor, producing a loud thud. Holy hell! Because of the bat attack, I’d ended up not going to the club and finding out what Ceris wanted to show me.

Worse, I drooled over Micah and forgot about Copyright 2016 - 2024