Destiny Gift (The Everlast Trilogy) - By Juliana Haygert Page 0,13

popped into my real life, telling me to go to a real event. It sounded so crazy, so insane, that I had to know, I had to find out if I had finally lost it.

Or learn what she had to show me.

Chapter Five

I got my jacket and my purse from the closet, left my apartment, and marched toward the elevator, not believing what I was about to do. I felt the pull to look at the number eight painted on the wall, but resisted. I had a party to get to—a party a goddess told me to attend. No shiny numbers or lack of taxis would stop me from finding out what she wanted me to see.

Downstairs, Paul was on duty. The concierge stood up when I walked past him on my way to the door. “Miss Sterling, are you waiting for a cab?”

“No, my friend is coming to pick me up,” I lied, flashing him a false smile I hoped was convincing enough. I had my hand inside my purse, clutching my can of pepper spray. “She called and is already coming around the corner.”

“Would you mind waiting inside?” He looked anxious with his brow creased.

“That’s okay. I can see her from here.” I left before he could say anything else.

I looked both ways. Nobody outside, good or bad. I darted away.

I hadn’t run a full block when I couldn’t take the grip of the high-heeled pumps slaughtering my feet. I cursed and tried to ignore my shoes, but the pain was too much. I halted, stashed the pepper spray inside my purse, and took off the shoes to find a newly formed blister and a bloody scratch on my left Achilles tendon. Damned heels!

The flapping of wings froze me in place. The beats in my chest accelerated. Shit. I stopped without thinking about the consequences, and now bats hovered nearby. Why did they always come for me? As far as I knew, they didn’t attack every single person they saw when flying around, but they did attack me whenever there was an opportunity.

I scanned the area, trying to find some people, even foul-looking ones, with whom I could mingle and mislead the bats. Nobody. The streets were deserted. When were New York’s streets ever deserted?

I didn’t know whether to remain frozen and hope the bats confused me with a statue, retreat to a doorway and hide, or run back to my building. Even if I hid, they would find me. I decided for the third option and bolted.

The flapping noise increased. Oh no, now there was more than one. Another bad decision. I glanced over my shoulder to see how many there were and gasped. My legs wobbled and collapsed. I fell onto my back to the paved ground, fear choking my throat. There were no less than seven bats coming for me!

They were hideous and nasty, as large as a person. Their bony bodies were covered by a viscous gray skin, countless teeth bared and sharp, and wings large and bristly.

I cringed, unable to scream. Four of the bats landed before me and hobbled closer. Their talons scratched against the concrete surface of the sidewalk, making a dreadful screeching sound. Their fetid stench, of slobber and decay and rotting flesh, reached me and I fought the urge to puke.

I crawled a few feet away and watched in horror as three other bats landed behind me, blocking my only escape route. I was surrounded.

I recalled my pepper spray inside my purse. I had it for muggers and robbers, but my weapon had saved me from these creatures before. Of course, pepper spray hadn’t hurt the bats, just bought me some distraction so I could run away, and I had never been attacked by more than two bats at once, but it was worth a try.

With trembling hands, I reached inside my purse. But, as my fingers stroked the can, a bat lunged at me. Yelling, I covered my head with my arms. The animal clawed, tearing into my body.

I tried to roll over and crawl somewhere, anywhere, but was pushed down by a potent blow. I hit the concrete, hard, and gasped as the air flew out of me.

Tears brimmed in my eyes. I struggled to hash out a new plan. Nothing. My mind was blank.

I raised my head and looked over. Two more bats glided up to me. I could see in their crimson eyes they were done playing. This time, they would strike for real. There Copyright 2016 - 2024