Destined (Lair #4) - A.M. Madden Page 0,9

stared directly into my soul made the experience so perfect that more tears came.

“Don’t cry,” he said through grunts. “Please, Liv. You’re scaring me.”

“No. It’s not what you think. This feels amazing.” I focused on the sensations flooding my body instead. They climbed higher and higher, consuming every part of me, before an orgasm ripped through me with full force. Spurred by it, Shane quickened his pumps, and a few more was all it took when he stilled, my name on his lips, while collapsing on me.

“Liv, that was…” He stopped, lifting his head to search for any signs that I wasn’t okay. “How bad was it for you?”

Bad? My skin felt tingly all over. My insides felt amazingly full. My heart pounded from the energy I’d just exerted. With a lazy smile I held his face to stare into his gorgeous eyes.

“Shane, you not only found a way to lessen the pain… you found a way to rock my world.”

Chapter Three


We barely left my room in thirty-two hours. Sure, we did to pee, shower, and grab food, but otherwise Alivia and I had remained in our hot little bubble.

Our night was perfect. She had always been mine, and now she was mine on a whole new level. I had come plenty of times in my new adult life, both at my own hand and at Alivia’s. But nothing could’ve prepared me for what I would feel sliding into her for the first time. The sensation had been so overwhelming I almost forgot all about her. The urge to piston my hips to chase that build consumed me. I had to focus all my energy to go slow while manipulating her clit to ensure she’d come hard.

And once I’d come myself, well, fuck me. I’d instantly become addicted.

After losing our virginity, we ended up doing it three times. My goal was to keep practicing so she could come vaginally and not rely on her clit. Yes, I’d been reading up on the subject.

And if she hadn’t passed out or claimed to be sore, I probably would’ve continued all night. I know I could’ve kept going. Popping my proverbial cork had made me restless for more. But the moment her eyes slid open the next morning, I pounced. After each time, I’d press a warm washcloth between her legs, or eat her pussy to relieve the soreness. That began a pattern for the rest of the day, and all through the second night.

We managed to talk a lot about the summer and what would come when we went to NYU. I played a few songs that I had written for her over the years, loving how she stared at me with such admiration. So far there were eight in total, and one day I’d record them for the rest of the world to hear. But really, it was all for my girl. Alivia was my biggest fan, and that devotion never failed to make me feel high on life.

At some point yesterday afternoon, Chase had texted me to see if we were alive. Come midnight, Alivia felt bad we had ignored our friends for a solid twenty-four hours. I didn’t. Still, she made me promise today we would interact with them before we headed back home to begin another boring week as high school seniors.

As the sun rose and spread golden rays into my room through the patio doors, I watched her sleep. Alivia was gorgeous, even with her mussed hair, rosy cheeks, and a mismatched pajama set that hid her sexy curves. Before her beauty had blossomed to what it was now, it had been her feisty personality that had won me over. I loved arguing with her, and even when she made me mad, I still felt that constant attraction lurking beneath the anger. Overall, she was a perfect match for me.

How did I get so fucking lucky?

I guessed I had to thank her parents for hooking up backstage at a Devil’s Lair concert. Alivia had learned the true story of her coming to be only about a year ago. I’d never forget the night she’d called me in tears, reducing the entire encounter to nothing more than a groupie getting knocked up by a rock star.

Doing my best to calm her down, I’d been quick to say it had been more than that. Fate was what had her parents coming together years later, building a relationship when Alivia was only five, and then falling in love. Trey had Copyright 2016 - 2024