Despite the Angels - By Madeline A Stringer Page 0,163

She looked around and noticed a baby sitting up, looking solemnly towards her. Lucy moved towards her, noticing a slight wave in her fine baby hair and eyes that were more brown than black. Mohmi stepped between ShengYue and Lucy.

“Now my little one,” she said, holding out her arms to ShengYue, “now is the time you raise your arms to me and smile. Everything is wonderful!” and she smiled and laughed at the baby, making faces at her. In response ShengYue giggled and raised her arms. Lucy stepped right up to the cot and lifted the baby up, kissing her nose. ShengYue giggled again and waved her little arms. In her baby mind she felt this woman was just right. Lucy turned to the translator.

“Can you ask what was left with this baby?” The director consulted her file.

“Two little blankets, a few clothes, a quilt. And a piece of paper saying ‘my name is ShengYue’,” said the translator.

“Does ShengYue mean anything?”

“Yes. It mean Song of the Moon.”

“Song of the Moon. Moonsong.” Lucy felt a prickle down her spine. “How beautiful. I wonder why she got that name? It must have been important, or the note wouldn’t have been left with her. Moonsong. I wonder is there an English name for that? David, what will we call her in English?” Lucy turned to him, holding their new daughter and he came over and put a hand on each of them.

“So we have chosen you, have we?” The baby smiled at him and waved her arms again.

Mohmi, Trynor and Jotin stood together, watching. Their energies were soft and relaxed, exuding happiness and relief. The other guides in the room smiled too.

“So we start from seven months now. They can bring her home and bring her up. She will be well,” said Mohmi, happy to be released from the need to constantly guard her child, now that she had found her parents.

“Mm. It will be good to have a simple existence again,” said Jotin, as they watched the family getting to know each other again. “There is nothing else to learn for the moment. Just to enjoy the world and each other. Nothing to go wrong this time.”

“No” said Trynor “what could possibly go wrong?”

There was a long silence. They smiled a little sheepishly at each other. Then for a moment, Mohmi was gone. She came back, looking satisfied.

“I visited TieJuan, the baby’s mother and had a word with her guide. She is well and expecting her son. She was napping, so we sent her a dream of this scene. When she wakes she will know her daughter is safe.” Mohmi indicated the new family and went over and whispered to ShengYue.

A wonderful chuckle of baby laughter echoed through the room.

~~~~ ~~~~

Author’s Note

“Despite the Angels” is entirely a work of fiction. It is not necessary to believe in reincarnation, guardian angels, or spirit guides to enjoy it. None of the characters are based on, or intended to represent, real people living or dead, and similarities are purely coincidental, with one small exception, see ‘Dundee’ below. However, I have used some historical places and events on which to hang my story.

Crete. Tylissos was an actual Minoan village, and there is a modern town of the same name. The sanctuaries were actually on the top of the high mountains which surround the town, but I have invented one on a lower hill, maybe the site of the modern church, as Alessia could not run up such high mountains in the time available.

Bull dancing did happen in Minoan Crete, there are frescoes showing it (and showing the breast-baring bodices) but the religion in the story is my invention. Diktynna was a name used for the mother-goddess around this period. Double headed axes were a commonly used symbol.

I have re-named the palace of Malia as Malatos to distance the reader from the modern pie-and-chips resort. A sword with a crystal pommel may be seen in the museum in Heraklion. A pendant in the shape of two bees was found between the Malia palace and the sea, dating from earlier than this story. It is my fancy that it was made by an ancestor of Mikolos, and the symbol remained in the family. I made the name Armishamai from the words for song and moon in the old language.

The Diktean cave on the Lassithi plain can still be visited, and was used by the Minoans as a sanctuary. Various offerings were found at the base of the stalactites.

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