Despite the Angels - By Madeline A Stringer Page 0,111

Lucy and David don’t marry this time, she’ll have to find something else to do, or another life to live. We could be centuries before we can get all three of them free at the same time.”

“And this world might even be gone by then,” Trynor added, “so we have to hurry.”

“Chill, man,” said Roki, “look at my guy. He’s happy. So is your girl. Doesn’t happiness count for anything?”

“It must be guides like you in charge of a lot of humans. Inexperienced souls, not interested in the big picture, with no foresight. Meanwhile the ozone layer thins, the glaciers melt and species become extinct.”

“So what is Lucy going to do about that?” Roki’s mouth lifted into a sneer.

“I didn’t say she was going to do anything. I just want her to be with David and Moonsong.”

Roki yawned and stretched. Martin moved suddenly and Lucy gave a little cry of protest as she began to slide off his knee. Martin pulled her back, ran his hand up under her jumper and began to unhook her bra. He fumbled with the catch and Lucy reached back and pushed his hands away as she undid the familiar hook and eye. As Martin’s hands moved up under the edge of her bra and his fingers began to make circles over her nipples, she closed her eyes and allowed herself to concentrate on the delicious feelings that were beginning to flood her. Her head fell back a little and Martin leant forward and kissed her neck. She could smell his hair and she nuzzled her chin into it. Martin pulled her jumper up further and bent his head. As he did, Lucy began again to slip towards the floor, but this time she did not protest. But Trynor did protest, his energies spiking orange and red and Lucy shuddered with pleasure, as Martin slid off the chair also, his hands moving all over her.

“Come on, Trynor, you aren’t helping,” Jotin was pulling his friend from the room. “Your anger is only making her excited. Maybe if we leave she’ll come to her senses.”

“I doubt it,” said Roki, “I’m staying. How about we make a baby for her now?”

Trynor raised his fists and moved towards Roki, who backed away, laughing.

“Only kidding. We’ll leave that for later.” Martin reached into his pocket and pulled out a little packet. Jotin pulled Trynor away, trying to keep both their tempers.

Chapter 40


Lucy woke early on a bright May morning and stretched lazily. Strange but wonderful, she thought. Imagine, I’m getting married today! Not just any old wedding, but actually mine. Why do I want to get married? …do I want to get married? Well, I don’t particularly want to stay here putting up with Alison’s Finals all next year and listening to her bitching about Martin. I can’t help it, just ’cos she doesn’t fancy him – I do and I’d like to do my fancying in peace and not have to listen to ‘why are you still with that boring guy?’ all the time. So, maybe he doesn’t fascinate her. You don’t have to be scintillating to be a good guy. He’s decent. Why do I want to marry him- is that the best I can think of, decent? His indecent moments are the best! She flung herself out of bed and over to the mirror.

“OH MY GOD- you couldn’t, that’s just not fair! LOOK at the spot on my nose, I can’t go out in public with that, I just can’t!”

Alison came in. “What was the screech? Have you seen sense at last, or do I still have to make a show of myself in that stupid dress?”

“Not as much of a show as I’m going to be- look” wailed Lucy, as she contemplated her nose again, peering at the mirror for a closer look. “Have you any good concealer, or any better ideas, or are you just going to gloat?”

“Don’t get her anything, please! It’s hard to make a good spot that quickly. Don’t spoil it!” Trynor sat fidgeting on Lucy’s bed. “Alison, come on - you’ve heard me and Kumbal before, we’ve got to stop this. Time’s running out.”

“Hey. Lucy!! Hey Lucy!” Trynor got up and looked in the mirror over Lucy’s shoulder. “You don’t want to go out in public like that, do you? You don’t want to stand beside that drop-dead gorgeous guy with a beacon on your nose. It’s good, isn’t it? Even though I say so myself, it’s a pretty good Copyright 2016 - 2024