To Desire a Dragon - Amanda Milo Page 0,32

thudding heart.

A wave of heat washes over me, making me want to turn, catch up Nalle, and seat her on my pounding staff.

Mating fever. This has to be mating fever. The red moon’s effects must truly have begun.

I stay facing my work. With deliberate movements, I fold the wet sides of satyr hide together and lean over to sink my hands into the wash basin beside me where I scour myself all the way up to my elbows.

From the corner of my eye, I watch Nalle bring a hand to her heated-looking cheeks. Then she’s running her touch to her neck, as if it too is hot. She glances at me, her lips parting, her eyes glued to my profile, and soon she begins to fan her face.

Ahhh, drhema, do you burn in the fever too?

If I’m not mistaken, her thighs clench. I wonder if she aches for me as I’m aching for her. My flesh throbs, and with a panted breath, I turn to look at her and find her ogling the vicinity of my hips.

Her scent carries to me then. It’s bright and molten hot with desire.

Pleasure punches my system. My mate wants me—she’s affected, just as I am.

This is also cause for concern because the fever will keep us breeding, even when our bodies might need other things. Such as sustenance. And while I’ve been driven to eat a little extra every meal, I’m not certain if Nalle has shared this drive. The good news is, a human body can go a month without food as long as she has access to salt and water.

I glance down at the salthouse bucket next to my satyr skins. Beside them are a dozen waterskins.

I smile. We’ll be fine.

I turn and begin to stalk my mate.



Being that my mate has a penchant for making me chase her, driving her to run from me should feel like nothing new. But it takes my interest and boils it, turning my hunger for her body into a beast. When I growl and pivot to shadow her, it makes my pulse hammer and her breeding scent intensify.

My body responds, answering to her call of need. I thicken even more, and my rod begins to hurt, I want her so fiercely.

Nalle’s hair is in braids held by beaded ends, which slap and clack together as she dodges and dives. I chase her around the cooking pot, past various things that matter not and don’t slow me down nearly enough to save her from me. She’s in soft-tanned clothing, the kind that requires no pants and is easy to tug up or tear off, whichever I feel I have patience for when I catch her.

When I catch her by her hair, Nalle squeals and drops to the floor.

I follow her down, grabbing her upper arm and keeping a firm hold on her braids, bringing her neck back, baring it for my teeth to nibble and taste her.

I straddle her rear, making her squeak when my staff pokes and prods at her. The only reason I’m not sack-deep in her body is because of her clothing skins. I release her hair and fist her leather skirt, ripping it above her hips.

“Wait, wait!” Nalle cries.

“Do you have a virgin’s barrier?” I manage to say through lips that don’t want to cooperate. I realize my teeth are bared as I crouch over my female, pinning her for our first breeding. Through a desperate struggle of willpower, I shift my gaze to our benches with her woven wool bedding.

We should mate there.

Nalle is no dragon female to enjoy the scrape of the cave floor on her belly as she’s stuffed full and ridden hard by my cock.

“I,” Nalle gulps a loud breath. “I took care of my ‘barrier’ by myself, years ago.”

“Good,” I purr, and squeeze her smooth and silken hind cheek hard enough to make her gasp and squirm. “Great scarlet moons, these hindquarters! I could sink my teeth into them.”

Nalle begins to pant.

“I’m going to carry you to the bedding platform,” I tell her. “If you escape from me, I’ll knock you down and rut you where we fall. Understood?”

Nalle’s neck goes limp, her cheek making a slapping, sticking sound as it connects with the floor. “Yes,” she gasps. “I understand you, Halki.”

And then her hips wriggle. It makes her bared ass cheeks jiggle.

“We aren’t going to make it to the bedding platform,” I utter hollowly. My hand dives under her hips and she cries out as Copyright 2016 - 2024