Deserted - Cara Dee Page 0,35

out from Jayden’s backpack and handed them over. “We’ll see if we can get some laundry done tomorrow.”

He nodded and snatched up the PJs before ducking into the bathroom with his toothbrush and toothpaste.

“Let me know when you’re ready,” Gray reminded.

“I know!” Jayden hollered back behind the closed door. “You always wanna check my teeth. It’s weird, man!”

Gray grinned and pinched his lips together. Then he sought out Darius behind him, dropping his bag on the other bed.

“How’re you feeling?”

Darius blew out a breath and hung his jacket over the back of a chair. The cabin was small and divided into four parts, where privacy was only given in the half bath. The sleeping nook was next to the bathroom, leaving the front for the kitchenette in one corner and a table with four chairs in the other.

There was half a loft above them too, though Gray suspected it wouldn’t be used.

“Tired,” Darius admitted. “I forgot how chatty Connor was.”

She actually hadn’t been. She’d asked about their travels and shared a couple anecdotes about Darius and Ryan. But then, Darius considered it an interrogation if someone asked how he was doing.

Gray could tell that Darius didn’t really know what to do. He stood there at the foot of his bed and stared at his duffel. Knowing Jayden would be done soon, Gray threw caution to the wind. His stomach churned with unease and nerves and wants and—fuck it all. He closed the distance between them, slipped a hand to the back of Darius’s neck, and reached up and covered his mouth with his own.

Gray could’ve fuckin’ cried with relief.

Darius was quick to lock his arms around Gray and pull him flush to his body. He deepened the kiss too. It was impossible for Gray not to feel the urgency, and it provided some comfort he sorely craved. Darius needed him. Thank fuck.

Gray ran his fingers through Darius’s hair and angled his head, swirling his tongue around Darius’s.

It was the sweetest reunion, and even though the hunger for more simmered below the surface, they slowed down the kiss at the same time. They wanted the same thing. Comfort, first and foremost. Closeness.

Darius shuddered and tightened his hold on Gray, one hand sliding down to palm his ass. “I gotta have you next to me, knucklehead. I can’t let you go.”

Gray swallowed dryly and felt a shiver run through him.

Darius wasn’t done. He cradled Gray’s face in his hands and leveled him with a serious look. “I’ve formed attachments to people I’ve rescued before, but never like this. It’s never been about attraction. It’s never gone beyond wanting to protect innocence. Or shield it. No matter how obsessive I’ve been about it. You’re not like the others, Gray. You’re not like anyone.”

Gray closed his eyes as the words settled in him. The words he’d needed more than anything. Fuck, it was indescribable. Neither one of them knew what the future would hold—no one ever did—but at least now, he wouldn’t have to worry about not measuring up in the present. He didn’t have to doubt Darius’s reasons. He didn’t have to wonder why.

“Yo, Gray!” Jayden called. “I’m ready!”

Gray leaned in and kissed Darius quickly. His heart rate hadn’t calmed down whatsoever. “I think Jayden won’t mind sleeping in his bed alone.”

Darius smiled into another kiss. “Thank fuck. I want you in my arms.”

The sheer joy that spiked inside Gray was almost too much. He managed a wobbly grin and averted his gaze before Darius could see how overwhelmed he was. He had to go to Jayden anyway. He cleared his throat and let out a breath, waiting for the heat to fade from his cheeks and for his eyes to stop stinging.

Save us!

Gray pushed through the thick darkness. His heart hammered against his rib cage, and the screams bounced between the…wherever he was. He couldn’t see.

Find me.

Jackie was sobbing.

Please save me.

“Hang on,” Gray croaked. “I’m on my way.”

The cries grew louder and more desperate, each one slashing through Gray like the sharpest blade.

He felt their agony. He lived and breathed it. It had his chest in a vise. He knew exactly the torture they were suffering. Rape, beatings, starvation, humiliation. He had to find them.

Gray groaned and shoved at the oily dark that kept him from going anywhere. It was humid. He couldn’t breathe. The nothingness clung to him like a wet blanket, suffocating him and drowning him at the same time.

He’d been waterboarded before.


He wanted to run toward Milo’s plea. He Copyright 2016 - 2024