Deserted - Cara Dee Page 0,29

Gray was asleep.

His goal since they’d started their road trip together was to always fall asleep last.

He wasn’t sure it was a very successful strategy, partly because Jayden had already woken up once because Gray had talked in his sleep, and partly because Darius never missed anything. But it was all Gray could do when they slept in such close proximity.

When Darius reemerged wearing only a pair of sweats and the towel he had thrown around his shoulders, Gray averted his gaze, grabbed his toiletry bag, and located his own sweatpants that he slept in. Then he fled to the bathroom that was completely fogged up.

He shook his head to clear it and rummaged through his little kit to find his meds.

It’d been a good day. He was even starting to be glad that Darius had tracked him down and joined them. But fuck if it wasn’t rough at times too. He’d just have to take it one day at a time.


Help me, Gray! P-please do something!

Gray watched with bile rising in his throat as Milo crawled toward him on the floor, blood gushing out from the gunshot wound in his head. His green, bloodshot eyes pleaded desperately for mercy.

Save me. I don’t want to die.

“I’m sorry.” Gray gritted his teeth and felt tears burning their way down his cheeks. “I’m so sorry, Milo.”

He woke up with a pained gasp and sat up in the bed. He blinked rapidly and wiped at his cheeks, and then he groaned and carefully rubbed his jaw. Fuck, that hurt. How long had he been grinding his teeth? The entire area was sore. Pain radiated from his face when he tried to bite down.

“Ah fuck.” He gently massaged his jaw and glanced around him. The hotel room was empty, and sunrays were trying to push through the blinds. Thank God the night was over.

The second he rose from the bed, blinding pain drilled its way through his skull.

He stumbled toward the bathroom and rubbed his temples, hoping idly that Darius had taken Jayden to breakfast or something. Gray needed alone time until the agony faded.

He sat on the toilet for a long time and focused on calm breaths while waiting for his painkillers to set in.

The nightmares kept getting worse.

If it wasn’t Milo begging to be saved, it was Jonas or Jackie. Sometimes one of the other guys they’d lost too, but mostly those three. Every fucking night.

After washing up and brushing his teeth—very goddamn carefully—he gave the mirror a quick glance and immediately wished he hadn’t. He looked like he’d aged ten years overnight. He hadn’t shaved yesterday either. Two days’ worth of stubble, the shadows under his eyes, and a bed head resulted in one unkempt-looking motherfucker.

Back in the room, he pulled on a pair of jeans, a black tee, and his shades. They were similar to the ones Darius wore and would hopefully hide his fresh roadkill appearance.

Right before he opened the door, he hesitated. Maybe he should grab a hoodie. But once he twisted the doorknob and felt the sun’s warmth, he walked out and made sure he had his phone, wallet, and room key.

He didn’t have to search for Darius and Jayden. He heard them in the parking lot.

Gray descended the stairs and tried fruitlessly to muster any expression that didn’t tell people to fuck off.

Darius and Jayden were by the Wrangler. Darius was squatting, one knee on the pavement, and he had his palms open, which Jayden was using as boxing pads to practice punching on.

“That’s good,” Darius said. “Quick jabs. One-two-three, one-two-three.”

Jayden grunted and pulled back, then hit Darius’s palm with a closed fist.

Gray’s untied All Stars scraped against the ground, alerting the others to his approach, and Darius gently caught Jayden’s fists and grinned at the boy.

“Good morning!” Jayden said.

“Morning.” Gray stifled a yawn and spotted a paper bag and a to-go cup on the hood of the car. “Please tell me the coffee’s for me.”

“It is.” Darius extended the cup to him and tilted his head, always so fucking observant. “There’s food for you too. We got breakfast burritos.”

“They were awesome. I had almost a whole one.” Jayden grinned.

Gray managed a small smile at him. Ah, coffee. It was still hot. Perfect. He took a big swallow and let it burn a hot trail down his throat.

Darius leaned back against the car and lit up a smoke, then reached into a pocket and pulled out the second room key. “Jayden, can you go upstairs and Copyright 2016 - 2024