Descent (Steel Brothers Saga #15) - Helen Hardt Page 0,6

heard Jonah’s cry. That was when I realized where I was. But why had I been there in the first place?

Mazie said the doorbell rang. Sounded sort of familiar. Had I been in the office when it rang?

Think, Daphne, think!

Why did I come in here?

I scanned his desk. Nothing of interest to me. Then I looked around the office. Same as it always was. Well-kept, with a few file folders scattered around. Had I come in to look at one of the files?

I perused them quickly. They all pertained to the ranch. That was Brad’s domain. I had no idea how to run a ranch, so I wouldn’t have been looking for any of that information.

I sighed.

If Brad were here, he’d hold me, kiss the top of my head, and tell me everything was fine. That he’d take care of us and there was no reason to worry.

I worried anyway.

Thank goodness I had a session with Dr. Pelletier tomorrow. Perhaps he could help me get to the bottom of this.

Chapter Five


“Hello, Brad.”

“Hello, Wendy.”

“It’s nice to see you.”

You too. The words didn’t come out, though. I couldn’t make them. Hell, I didn’t even try, to be honest. It wasn’t nice to see her. Not at all.

She looked good, though. She’d cut her medium-brown hair into a short style a la Dorothy Hamill. She wasn’t wearing any makeup, and her blue eyes sparkled.

No medication today. Pelletier had warned me of that. She was off her meds and ready to be released into the world.

I just wasn’t sure the world was ready for her.

She was wearing street clothes, which surprised me. Jeans and a navy T-shirt. I’d expected a hospital gown or sweats or something.

“How are you?” I asked.

“I’m good, Brad. I’m really good.”

Her tone seemed sincere, but I knew better than to take anything about Wendy at face value. “I’m glad to hear that.”

“I want you to know that I don’t hold a grudge against you. You know, for what you did.”

“What I did?”

“Yeah. You know, having me committed.”

“Your parents had you committed, Wendy. You pulled a gun on a guy. You’re lucky you weren’t arrested.”

“My parents.” She raised an eyebrow. “That’s what the papers say, but I know you were behind it.”

“I wasn’t.”

“Then why were you there the day they took me in?”

To make sure you went. To make sure you were out of commission so I could marry Daphne.

“I was coming to see you. That’s all.”

“I’m not stupid, Brad.”

No, she was far from stupid. She had a genius IQ. I’d come here to get her cooperation, so why was I lying to her? I was the only—the only one—she might actually listen to.

“I’m sorry,” I said. “You’re right. I was there because I wanted to make sure you got the help you needed.”

Not a lie. Just not the whole truth.

“You put my parents up to it.”

“What if I did? You threatened a man at gunpoint. You were either going to prison or to a mental facility. Which would you have preferred?”

She lowered her eyelids. I almost thought she was feeling remorse. Was she? Or was she acting? You just never knew with Wendy.

“I’m sorry for that. I truly am.” Then she met my gaze. “How is Sean, anyway?”

How is Sean? Did she really just ask me that?

“He’s dead, Wendy.”

She gasped, turning pale. Was she truly surprised? Or was it an act?

Wendy never put on an act around me. Never. She always said exactly what she felt. So either she had changed and was acting, or she was actually surprised.

One or the other. I just wasn’t sure which.

“What happened?”

“He was drugged and poisoned.”

“Who would do such a thing?”

I couldn’t help myself. “Maybe someone who had threatened him with a deadly weapon in the past?”

“But…I’ve been here. When did this happen?”

“At my wedding, Wendy. It happened at my wedding.”

“He actually died at your wedding?”

“He passed out. He died several hours later at the ER.”

“Oh my God.” Her hands trembled as she rubbed her chin. “I was never going to hurt him, Brad. You have to believe me.”

“You know how to use a gun, Wendy. I taught you myself.”

“But I’m not a killer. I’m not. I swear to you. Did they find out who did this to Sean?”

“Did they? You mean the police? No, they haven’t, and neither have I.”

She nodded. “Of course. You and your father got PIs involved. That’s what you’d do.”

“That’s what we did. But now my father’s dead as well.” Might as well stick to the story.

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