Descent (Steel Brothers Saga #15) - Helen Hardt Page 0,29

You said that to me a long time ago.”

“I wish I’d come up with it. But it’s true, no matter what. Good call, son. We’ll leave her right where she is.”

“I’ve got twenty-four-hour surveillance on her,” I said.

“Another good call.”

“It won’t take long before she’s onto them, though. Wendy figures everything out.”

“A cunning mind inside that one.”

“You’re telling me.” I cocked my head. “I’m wondering, Dad…”


“Why? Why didn’t you tell me about her long ago?”

“A man has to make his own mistakes.”

I shook my head. “I don’t get it. You’re obviously not squeamish about pulling guns on people, so—”

“Wait a minute. What makes you say that?”

“Because I saw you do it. You were icy. Not one bit of a quiver.”

“Doesn’t mean I like doing it. I might be good at it—I’ve learned to be—but I hate doing it. I do what I have to do to protect those I love.”

“If that’s the case, why didn’t you take care of Wendy long ago?”

“I’ve told you before. I’m not a killer. Never was.”

“But if you wanted to protect me—”

He sighed. “Don’t think I didn’t consider it. I’ve considered some pretty abhorrent things.”

“Why, then? You could have sent her away, gotten her away from me.”

“I could have.”

“So why—”

“As I said, a man has to learn from his mistakes. Besides, by the time I realized what Wendy Madigan was truly capable of, it was too late.”

I stared at my father, at his sad eyes. He wasn’t lying. No one—even me, at first—could comprehend everything inside Wendy’s head.

He cleared his throat, then. “I’m going away for a while.”

I raised my eyebrows. “What for? And where?”

“I need to go on the down low. Someone nearly recognized me yesterday in Pueblo.”


“One of our old hands. Don’t worry. I took care of him.”

My skin chilled. “I don’t like the sound of that.”

“What kind of man do you think I am, Brad?”

“I don’t fucking know, Dad. I saw you point a gun at a guy, remember?”

“I don’t kill people. When I say I took care of him, I mean I got out of there quickly and made sure he was well compensated to keep everything to himself.”

“Why do you have to leave, then?”

“Because it’s the smart thing to do. Besides, I want to check out some property you own down in the Caribbean.”

“I own prop—” Then I remembered. I’d seen the deeds in my father’s files, but I hadn’t paid much attention. Other stuff on my mind. “Those islands. Yeah. I saw the deeds in your files. When did you purchase them?”

“A couple years ago. I had this idea of building a huge resort, but then…other things got in the way. Anyway, my sources tell me an offer is coming in on one of them.”

“I haven’t heard anything. If I’m the owner now, wouldn’t I have heard before you?”

“Not necessarily. I’ve got eyes and ears everywhere. You should hear in the next few days. In the meantime, I want to go down and check things out. See if it’s worth selling.”

“Shouldn’t I be doing that? Or I can send someone. You shouldn’t be out in the open.”

“Who the hell is going to recognize me on a private island? Besides, it’s perfect timing. I need to lie low. I can go down there, check the place out, and get a tan. God knows I could use a vacation.”

“Being dead isn’t a vacation in itself?” I couldn’t help asking.

“Are you kidding me? It’s been more work than I realized. Do yourself a favor, son.” He looked me straight in the eye. “Never fake your own death. It’s not worth it.”

Chapter Twenty


Brad was late for dinner, as usual.

I tried not to let it get to me so I could enjoy Ennis’s company. Unfortunately, he wasn’t his jovial self. The dream he’d had about Patty still had him rattled.

He and I sat in the family room, talking alone, after I told Belinda to hold dinner for a half hour in case Brad arrived.

“Have you thought about talking to anyone about the dream?” I asked Ennis.

“I just had the dream a couple nights ago. I haven’t been able to think about anything other than getting here and investigating.”

“I just meant…” I cleared my throat. “I work with a psychiatrist. Dr. Pelletier. He’s been a big help to me.”

“I’m sorry, love. What are you struggling with?”

I wished I could jump back in time thirty seconds and erase what I’d just said. I’d never told Ennis or Patty the truth about my junior year of high Copyright 2016 - 2024