Descent (Kissed by Death) - Tara Fuller Page 0,76

I was leaving everything good inside me behind.”

I stared into her eyes, and something clicked into place. A piece that felt final, complete. I didn’t care that she was an angel, I was a reaper. I didn’t care that everything about our world said we couldn’t work. I only cared that she was here. I was getting the chance to tell her what she deserved to hear. I wasn’t going to close my eyes to this existence not knowing if she’d made it out of this nightmare.

“I love you,” I said. “I love you too much to keep you here. I have to take you home, Red.”

Her eyes glistened with unshed tears, and she nodded. “I know.”

Chapter 28


Easton laced his fingers through mine as we stood at the steps to the Great Hall, still reeling from the frantic escape through Hell. I’d lost count of how many souls Easton promised to bring back. How much pain he swore to go back to endure. All of it just to get us out safe. I shuddered, squeezing his hand as Father’s electricity lit up the world around us, warning of the anger we were likely about to experience. I closed my eyes trying to feel him out, but all I could get was an angry darkness, clouding my senses like a thick fog.

“Just let me do the talking, Gwen,” Easton said.

“No. I won’t have him putting the blame on you for this. This was my fault.”

“He’s going to punish me regardless,” he said. “I don’t have anything to offer him like Finn and Anaya. I’m not going to get a free pass. But you’re his daughter. If we play this right, at least you’ll be spared.”

“But we did it!” I turned to him. “Tyler is in Heaven. We actually retrieved a soul from the depths of Hell. He’ll have to see the good in that.”

He shook his head, a sad, resigned look dimming his violet eyes. “You don’t know your father like I do.”

Easton squeezed my hand and allowed his fingers to turn to vapor and slip through mine. I would have given anything to feel him just then. Just for a moment. Just enough to chase away the fear brewing inside me. I couldn’t lose him. Not after everything we’d come back from. The fact that my own father might be the one to finally take him from me made me feel sick and wrong inside.

“Red…” Easton touched my chin and lifted my gaze to his. He didn’t have to say the words. The way he looked at me said it all. No matter what Father did to us, he couldn’t take away the love that lived within us. I bit my lip and nodded.

In front of us, the doors swung open and Father stepped outside. Vacant-eyed souls scattered, and reapers lurked in the foggy corners of the Inbetween to get a peek at the show.

“I love you,” I whispered, turning forward. He might have known, but I needed to say it. Out loud. I’d never forgive myself if I didn’t.

“I love you, too,” he whispered back. “Always. Don’t forget.”

He was expecting Father to end him. At the very least send him away forever. I closed my eyes, battling my own fear and doubt. I couldn’t let that happen. I had to believe the man I’d loved for seventeen years wouldn’t do something to bring me such pain. I clung to that thought as I watched Father descend the steps.

He came to a stop in front of me, and everything inside me froze. We stared at each other for a moment, and before I could form a word, I was in his arms. He gathered me close and pressed his cheek to my hair. Shock stole the apology I’d had poised on my lips. I’d expected anger, disappointment, rage. I hadn’t expected this.

“Gwendolyn,” he said. “My daughter. Tell me it’s really you. Tell me you’re safe.”

“I’m okay, Father,” I whispered, stroking his silky hair. “I’m here. I’m so sorry I worried you.”

He finally pulled away, and his love overwhelmed me, filling me with the kind of cleansing joy that healed me from the inside out. It didn’t last. His attention turned to Easton, and streaks of lighting crawled up the walls of the Great Hall.

“You,” he growled, pointing a finger at Easton. “I told you to show her a few reaps. Scare her into knowing her place. I did not instruct you to take my only child on a suicide mission Copyright 2016 - 2024