Descent (Kissed by Death) - Tara Fuller Page 0,7

body in front of me, I lifted my scythe, ready to slice into the heap of flesh below me, and—

“Stop!” A soft voice that rang of truth and harmony stopped me cold. “Don’t do it! Give her a chance. Please.”

I jerked up my chin, and my gaze collided with eyes as clear and blue as the Gulf of Mexico. I cast a quick glance around my surroundings. She was speaking to me? I lowered my scythe and studied the girl standing about twenty feet away. A cascade of red hair fell across her shoulders like liquid flames, and a perfect pink mouth quivered before she pulled her bottom lip between her teeth to calm it. A breeze I couldn’t feel plastered her silky white robe against her thin frame and flushed her pale, flawless cheeks. She was pretty. Alluring. And every flawless inch of her screamed off-limits.

“Gwen! What are you doing?” A girl tugged on Red’s arm, casting a fearful glance my way. She wore an identical robe and now that the shock had worn off, I noticed they were both surrounded by the same gilded glow, as if they’d been bathed in sunshine.


“Let them work on her a moment more,” Red pleaded. “I know you can.”

Feeling completely hypnotized by those innocent eyes, I dropped my blade to my side, surprising even myself. I’d never faltered before. Never thought twice about what I had to do. Why was she asking this of me? Did she not understand the girl’s fate was sealed? Even now, I could feel her impending death. Each fading beat of her heart was like a dagger to my skull. It was inevitable. And yet…I waited.

“Am I hallucinating, or are there two incredibly hot angels standing over there?” Scout asked from behind me. The soul he’d come to collect was still rotting in its flesh, waiting for him to release it.

I suppressed my irritation at his inability to focus on anything other than his next piece of ass and instead concentrated on the weakening pulse of the girl below me. A paramedic did chest compressions and urged her to stay. To live. I lifted my gaze back to Red, and an involuntary wave of calm settled over me.

“No. They’re definitely angels,” I said. “What do you think they’re doing here?”

He shrugged. “Who knows? Angels of joy maybe? They spend a lot of time on the earth plane. They definitely don’t look like guardians.”

“Any idea why one would ask me to keep a charge alive?”

A slow grin slid across Scout’s mouth. “So, that’s why you’re waiting. You like her.”

“Are you forgetting you have a job to do here? One that doesn’t include torching my last shred of patience?” I snapped. “Get to work.”

Like her? Screw that. I didn’t like anyone. On a good day I tolerated them. This… I didn’t even know how to explain it to myself, but I knew my well of compassion was about dried up for the day. He laughed, and the sound sparked a renewed rage inside my chest. I sneered at him and jerked my blade up above my head. The girl’s pulse thudded once…twice…gone. I met Red’s gaze as she shook her head, eyes pleading.

“Time’s up, Angel,” I said.

I swung, tugged, and ripped the reluctant soul from her body. With a cry, she stumbled forward and caught herself against my chest. When her eyes connected with mine, she scrambled back, fear washing over her face. I wasn’t surprised. When you’d lived your life as squeaky-clean as this one had, I’d be the last person you’d expect to greet you on the other side.

“What are you…where are you…am I…” She looked over her shoulder at her lifeless body, and her hands slapped over her mouth to hold back a scream. I sighed and holstered my scythe, vaguely aware Red and her friend were still watching us, rapt with horror. If they were what Scout thought, it wasn’t likely they saw death every day. I would have chased them away, but maybe they needed to see it. Needed to see just how weak and fragile human life was. Besides, chasing them off would mean speaking to them. It would be a cold day in Hell before I did that voluntarily.

“Don’t worry,” I said to the human girl. “There’s only sunshine and rainbows ahead for you.”

Her gaze swept over me, assessing the danger she saw. “You don’t…I mean you just…”

I stepped forward, crowding her personal space until the essence of her soul scattered in Copyright 2016 - 2024