Descent (Kissed by Death) - Tara Fuller Page 0,48

at least would give her a few extra valuable seconds to escape.

“Good girl, Red.”

I contemplated sleeping outside the door, but the ungodly screams coming from across the hall gave me the incentive to get my ass up and into the room. I gathered up the last of my strength and shoved at the door hard, pushing it open just enough to slip inside. The room was dark, and Gwen was curled up on the edge of the bed, still wearing my T-shirt. She looked so small and beautiful, a light in the dark. I lost my breath at the sight of her. I wanted to offer myself up to Rok all over again as atonement for letting Mya touch me. For giving her Gwen’s precious gift. Looking at her now, feeling the dark, empty loneliness inside me, I knew nothing was worth what she’d given me. Not even Tyler.

I dragged my feet over to the bed and lay down beside her. I wanted to touch her. I wanted my hands and lips on her. I wanted us to exist in a world where that was okay, a place where I wasn’t someone who would hurt her. But I didn’t give in. Instead, I rolled over and faced the window, closing my eyes. After a few minutes the springs creaked, and Gwen’s body curled against mine, burrowing into my heat. Her lips pressed against the back of my neck, and her hands balled up against the space between my shoulder blades. I stopped breathing, afraid she’d move away. Afraid I’d give in and turn over to pull her into my arms. No way could I let myself do that.

“Go to sleep, Easton,” she whispered against my skin. “It feels nice.”

“I’ve never slept beside anyone before.”

“Neither have I,” she said, her voice soft and sleepy.

Her slim arm slipped over my waist to hug me close. I shuddered out the breath I’d been holding and hesitantly placed my hand over hers, holding it to my stomach.

And then, I did something I hadn’t done in nearly five hundred years.

I slept.

Chapter 17


I woke to the sound of screams and reached my hand out, instinctively searching for the boy I’d slept against all night. Disappointment settled in my chest when I didn’t find him. What would it have been like if we lived a world away? If we simply…lived? Would he want me if Balthazar weren’t my father? If he weren’t so broken? If I weren’t so naive? My throat ached with the unspoken questions as I sat up on the creaking bed.

The exposed springs had dug into my skin during the night, leaving sore spots all over my body. Easton sat on the edge of the bed tying up his black boots. He looked mesmerizing in the morning, hair tousled, bare back flexed as he bent over, stretching his scars. I wanted to touch him, to run my fingers over the serpent tattoo that stretched down the side of his neck and curled around his shoulder. I couldn’t help but wonder what those muscles would feel like as they moved under my palms. I’d never get the chance. Not after last night.

He looked over his shoulder. “Hey…” He gave me a small, sad smile that bordered on uncertain. “Did you sleep well?”

“Yes.” I looked away, playing with my hair, trying not to think about the kiss. About the way he’d rejected me. About how right Sky was about…everything.

Easton watched me, gaze intense, and I stood to get out from under his stare.

“Are we leaving?” I grabbed my dry clothes from the dresser and laid them out on the bed. I placed my hands on my hips and eyed the sleek black pants, wondering how I was going get them back on. I’d never had to dress before. The first time I’d put these on I’d been in soul form. Now I had this ridiculous body to work around. The fact that I was going to have to do it for the first time in front of Easton wasn’t helping matters. Every move he made was smooth and deliberate. Allowing him to see me messing up something as simple as putting clothes on after the rejection he’d handed me the night before wasn’t the way I wanted to start my day.

He stood, eyes wary and tired. “Is there any use in trying to talk you into staying here while I go follow up on a lead?”

“No. You should probably save your breath.” Struggling to pull the Copyright 2016 - 2024