Demon's Vengeance The Complete - Jocelynn Drake Page 0,105


“Documented and catalogued. Nothing more.”

“Sir, we can’t let this woman remain loose. I’ve been working with Gage to track her down and—”

“I’m fully apprised of the fact that you’ve been relying on Mr. Powell’s skills to track this person down, and it stops now. You have other duties you have been neglecting. You will cease your association with this man and resume your other duties.”

“Mr. Weston, she’s killing pregnant women!”

“Leave it to the police. Continue this investigation and not only will you be fired, but I will also hand you over to Low Town police personally on obstruction charges. Do I make myself clear, Ms. Moynahan?”

“I understand, Mr. Weston,” Serah said in a low voice while meeting his narrowed gaze.

I couldn’t see Serah’s hands as they were buried in my coat, but if her shoulders were anything to go by, they were balled into tight fists as she fought the urge to brain the vampire with the nearby computer monitor.

The asshole was bringing down hell on her head when she was risking her own life to save a few others and get a killer off the street. Did he have a point about the fact that hunting this killer wasn’t in her job description? Sure, but hunting down murders wasn’t in my job description either and I was still doing it. Maybe this world would be a better place if more people stepped up like Serah and tried to help instead of stepping back and arguing that it wasn’t their job.

The vampire continued to glare at her for another second before gliding silently out of the room. He never gave me another look, as if he wanted to pretend that he hadn’t been in the room with a warlock the entire time.

I waited several seconds for Serah to say something or at least relax her shoulders but it never happened. She just continued to stare straight ahead at the closed door. If it were me, I would have been running through all the things I would have liked to say to the asshole. But then, if it were me, I probably would have said more of them out loud. I guess it was a good thing that Serah had more restraint than me.

“You gonna keep looking for the killer?” I asked, but it sounded more like a statement.

“You better fucking believe it,” she growled.

With a grunt, I slid my legs over the side of the bed and sat fully upright on my own. “Call me when you need me.”

Serah twisted around suddenly, looking surprised that I was still willing to help her. “You know I’m not officially doing this as a TAPSS investigator, right? I can’t make you help me.”

I laughed, rocking back a little. Exhaustion, blood loss, and painkillers were combining to make me loopy. “You couldn’t make me help in the first place. I was never doing this because you’re a TAPSS investigator.”

“You weren’t? Why then?”

I shrugged, plucking my coat out of her arms. “My girlfriend asked me to. My pregnant girlfriend.”

“Yeah, I guess that would do it.” Her brief smile quickly died and she took a step back away from me. “But Weston could take away your license if you continue to help me.”

“True, but I don’t think I would lose it for long. I’ve got ways of being very convincing when I want to be.”

“True,” she said with a little sigh. “Let’s see if we can get you out of here then, scary magic man. You look like you’re about to drop and it’s too damn expensive to stay the night here.”

“I’d never sleep,” I said as I slid to my feet. She looked skeptically up at me, knowing that she saw a man who could barely keep his eyes open as he swayed on his feet. “I’d be too afraid of them removing a kidney or something while I slept. You can’t trust the fucking hospitals. They’re the true source of evil in this world. Not the Towers, the hospitals.”

Serah giggled as she pulled open the door and led me toward the nurses’ station. Someone had to know what I had to do to get out of this joint. Once I was free, I’d grab Bronx and the three of us would make a run for it.

“You’re ridiculous.” She chuckled.

“I’m serious. You ever seen a hospital bill? They’ll steal your arm and your leg.”

“Idiot,” she murmured, but she was smiling.

I was relieved to see her happy, already shaking off Harvey’s comments. It was better this Copyright 2016 - 2024