Demon's Trust (The Chronicles of Arcayos #1) - Raven Dark Page 0,85

interview concluded, the reporter thanks them and turns to the camera. “So there you have it. The latest in a string of crime-fighting stunts from the city’s vigilante. Is he savior or sinner? Back to you, Frank.”

I shake my head at the screen, wishing he wouldn’t glorify me.

The next day at work, Colburn is raging in his office.

We get the call at nearly the end of shift.

There is a fire downtown, one block from us at a high-rise. Arcayos weaves through the traffic, maneuvering my beat-up car with a skill and ease that would make Mario Andretti proud.

When we screech to a halt in front of the building, people are running everywhere and screaming. Squad cars have already circled the front of the building, officers rounding up the people and getting them out of harm’s way. Firemen are spraying the blaze; one of them is up on a ladder shooting water through a smoky window.

“You need help?” I say, flashing my badge for the two firemen on the ground. Arcayos follows at my side.

The man in the lead nods. “There’s people trapped in an elevator up there. We could use your help getting the people out of the building.”

I wave for Arcayos to follow, but he’s already ahead of me, going up the steps that lead to the other floors. A few other officers hurry in behind us. We race up four floors to an elevator, smoke blacking out the hall. I cough, covering my mouth and nose with my gloved palm. Ahead of me, I can barely make out Arcayos, and that he isn’t covering his face.

Halfway to the elevator, the hall is clogged with disoriented and crying people, panicked businesspeople and building staff.

A few doors down, the hallway is engulfed in flames.

“This place is going to blow!” The warning crackles over one of the fireman’s radios.

Two firemen are rushing toward us down the smoky hall.

“Everybody out,” one of firemen shouts, waving for us to go back the way we came. “Out, quickly, now—”

There’s a horrendous crack above us. I glance up and jump back. A beam lined with flames crashes down a few feet in front of Arcayos and me, sending cracks across the floor and blocking the two firemen off.

“I’m not leaving,” Arcayos growls.

“Get out now!” the second fireman shouts.

Arcayos ignores him, making his way through the smoke. I follow him, grabbing at his hand, since I can hardly see him now.

Arcayos spins around to me. “Go, Cassidy!” he roars, and it’s impressive how he manages to sound almost frightening while sounding like Hawk.

In a moment, I see why. The flames from down the hall are only a few feet from us. Tiles from the ceiling are crumbling, sawdust covering our hair. I shut out the thought of that and herd the people nearest me toward the entrance we just came through. The fireman gives me a look that’s something between surprised and thankful and hurries to the stairs to help them down.

At the elevator, the hall is filled with screams from inside. Someone is kicking at the door.

A third fireman tries to get the door open, but without success. His swearing fills the hall. Even with a crowbar, it won’t open.

“It’s stuck! I need a saw!” the fireman bellows.

“Go,” Arcayos shouts at him pointing down the hall toward the steps. “There’s fire down that way. Help those people get down there.”

“But how are you going to—”

“Just go!” he orders.

Smoke envelopes almost everything. The fireman vanishes down the hall and into the smoke. I can just make out a large shape stepping in front of the doors. There is a loud yell of effort and a squeal of metal as the doors are pushed wide.

Did he do what I think he just did?

I rush forward, helping Arcayos pull the trapped people out one at a time. Some of them are coughing, others crying in panic. One of the women falls to the floor of the elevator. I step in and help her to her feet, getting my arms around her to support her.

Behind me, a tremendous heat presses at my back. My shirt feels like it’s going to be burned to my skin. I cough.

The two firemen must have managed to move the beam out of the way, because they’re helping some of the other people out of the elevator.

“Get me out of here,” the woman screams. “Please get me out of here…”

“It’s okay. I’ve got you. Come on.” I help her out of the elevator while Copyright 2016 - 2024