The Demon's Song - By Kendra Leigh Castle Page 0,83

was in chaos.

Phenex dropped through the roof, unable to get in the front doors. The building was already surrounded by firefighters and police, none of whom seemed to be able to get inside. That was luck, Phenex thought, as he fell like a shadow through a glass dome already riddled with cracks, the building below filled with smoke.

It wouldn’t last. Eventually, whatever power kept the humans out would let them in, and more blood would be shed. But for now, this fight was between the Fallen and the forces of Hell.

At least Belial had chosen a Wednesday, going for surprise over maximum carnage. It was unlike him…but a mark of how desperate he’d become for the blood of his renegade brethren.

Phenex landed, catlike, in the middle of a smoke-filled ballroom. It was barely recognizable as the luxe space it had been. Now, nefari, squat and red-horned, clambered out of holes in the ground, the walls, setting fire to anything they wanted.

Which appeared to be everything.

The shrieks and grunts of the demon horde didn’t interest him, nor did the fifteen or so he carved through as he strode across the room and into the hallway. Bodies of vampires littered the floor. They’d been taken by surprise, Phenex thought grimly, recognizing most of them. The scouts had done their jobs well.

The first dining room Phenex passed was full of upended tables, black ooze, and Murmur battling at least fifty nefari. He looked perfectly happy as his fire sword flashed between the lesser demons, pieces of them falling to the floor as he moved.

“Phenex! Good!” Murmur shouted. “Grab a sword, do something useful! Justin had to fight his way through the tunnels to get back to Terra Noctem…they’re crawling with demons, but they haven’t breached the city boundaries yet. Raum is covering him. Looks like the city is moving tonight, and we’re not leaving much behind.” He hacked the head off of another nefari. “They don’t pay us enough for this shit! Where’s Belial? Him I’ll fight!”

“Get in line,” Phenex said, flapping his wings to get above the horde. He spotted an extra fire sword jammed in a painting, much higher than any lesser demon would be able to reach, and grabbed it. It felt good in his hand, the power of it drawn right from his blood and channeled into the sword.

He caught Sofia’s scent again and raced after it, slicing and slashing his way through the squealing, grunting mass of low demons. Fortunately, most human ears wouldn’t be able to hear these sounds outside, but a few would…and the noises would haunt them.

Phenex saw each of his brothers in turn as he made his way through the ruins that Amphora was quickly becoming. They were battling masses of demons, who were pouring through walls and floors, a clever trick that could only be facilitated by a very powerful high demon. Phenex flew above them, or sliced through them, but he saw no sign of Sofia.

Then, all at once, he heard her.


Her cry was anguished, sending fury black as night pounding through him. Phenex jerked to a halt in midair, changing direction to dive down a different hallway.

The air had grown even thicker with smoke, flames licking up the walls. He saw one inferi on fire, the stupid creature having assumed that it would be as much in its element here as it was in the fiery pits. But Earth fire was a different matter. Most of the demons here, though, were carcasses. The area had already been cleared. When a traitorous vampire crept up behind him like a shadow, Phenex barely had to turn, ending its pitiful existence with a single sweep of the powerful sword.

They were waiting in the last room, the one with the door he’d taken Sofia through to get to Terra Noctem. Bodies littered the floor, this time with vampires who would be missed in Terra Noctem. They’d died defending their city. Belial stood grinning by the half-open door in the wall, clutching Sofia against his chest like a lover. Belial’s hand cupped her throat, gently. A thin rivulet of blood trickled down her skin, but she looked whole, and alive.

Her eyes were wild. Her robe looked as though it had been clawed at, sections of it shredded. She was barely covered, and terrified.

“There you are,” Belial purred. “I’ve been waiting. I almost thought you’d catch up to us, but you always were slow.”

“Let her go.”

Belial snorted. “No. Come, Phenex…follow me down. Catch me if you can.”

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