The Demon's Song - By Kendra Leigh Castle Page 0,78

stretch around them. They were impossibly soft, Sofia thought, stroking her hand over the arch of one wing, loving the way it made Phenex shudder.

When he opened his eyes and looked down at her, she saw something different in his gaze. Something that, if she wasn’t careful, might spark hope that this angel, fallen though he was, could ever be for her.

Then he slid into her, filling her, and began to move. Their eyes locked, and Sofia savored the way he reacted to every thrust, every gentle drag of her fingernails over sensitive skin. He moved faster, and Sofia slid her hands to his hips, the bunch and flex of his muscles stoking the heat at her core ever higher.

“I want you from behind,” he growled, fangs flashing as he pumped into her. “I want my teeth in you, Sofia. Let me take you. Let me…”

He withdrew just long enough for her to rise to her knees, turn, and grip the headboard. When he entered her again, this time with a hard, swift thrust, Sofia gave a low moan and tightened her grip on the wood.

“Yes,” was all she could tell him, because she wanted him. Wanted everything. “Yes.”

He rode her mercilessly, and she bucked back against him as his fingers dug into her hips, setting a frantic rhythm that had her tightening around him, readying for the blinding climax she knew he would give her. Phenex dropped his mouth to her shoulder and began to suckle at the sensitive skin at the base of her neck. At the same time, he slipped one hand between her legs and sent shock waves curling through her, intensifying the sensation of every wild thrust. His teeth scraped against her skin, promising a joining unlike any she might have imagined. Better.

“Do it,” she hissed, hanging on tightly to the headboard as he thrust into her. She tipped her head back and to the side to allow him access, to offer herself.

When Phenex sank his teeth in, there was only the briefest burst of pain, followed by a pleasure so intense that Sofia shouted his name. The orgasm was shattering, and she could do nothing but let it take her where it would. Phenex slammed into her all the way to the hilt and found his own release with a wild snarl. He poured himself into her with a shudder, finally pulling Sofia to the bed and collapsing, curling himself around her.

Sofia tucked her feet between his, hearing nothing but the sound of her own galloping heart. She could almost feel Phenex inside her still, hear his wild, sad song echoing in her veins. Her eyes slipped shut as her body went limp, utterly spent.

“Phenex,” she murmured, leaving the words she really wanted to say unspoken.

But when she slept, she dreamed of him.

Phenex couldn’t bring himself to wake her until midday.

He hadn’t slept so much as he’d rested, enjoying the sound of the waves, the cry of the gulls outside, and the scent, everywhere, of the sea.

This was his place. Every time he came here, it was harder to drag himself back underground, into the endless night of Terra Noctem. His wounds were healing, incredibly. He hadn’t thought it possible. But between the slow reemergence of his emotions and, now, the return of his Phoenix song, it was impossible to deny. He felt different. Better.

Actually, right now, with Sofia curled into him, he felt pretty damn good.

After all these centuries of darkness, something had changed. All the restlessness and anger he’d felt were vanishing. It was Sofia. Somehow, she had made the difference. And earlier, when he’d finally sunk his fangs into her, joining them so closely he’d felt her heart beat in time with his…nothing Gadreel had said did the experience justice.

He had a sneaking suspicion that was because Gadreel’s experience hadn’t been as good.

Phenex dipped his head to nuzzle at Sofia’s neck, where his bite mark was still visible. Mine, he thought, smugly satisfied. Maybe Terra Noctem would move closer to a beach this time, giving him more opportunities to steal Sofia away.

Doubt began to prick at him almost immediately.

Her parents. Her job. Her life.

“No,” he growled against her skin. However she was making him feel, there was plenty of the demon still in him. He would have what he wanted.

Yeah, you were doing that before, and she was exhausted and unhappy. But look what happened when you thought about her first. Look what you gained.

Phenex struggled with that simple truth. Because Copyright 2016 - 2024