The Demon's Song - By Kendra Leigh Castle Page 0,48

hospital, and, of course, one new and very unplanned vampire. And there was a murder in the alley behind the building just two nights ago. The poor woman was literally torn to shreds. Do you know how many moving parts we have to deal with so that nothing is tied to the club, to us? I can’t thrall the whole city, Phenex, but I swear sometimes that’s what it’s going to wind up taking. People are nervous. Last night we had empty tables for the first time in memory. Humans are fascinating that way…their instincts are stronger than they know. And right now, I can’t complain about it.”

“We’ll get him,” Phenex said softly.

“We’d better hope so,” Justin replied. “I knew what to expect when we agreed to harbor you and the others. To most of Hell, you’re nothing but traitors. The Infernal Council knows better, but they still want you dead. I thought that after Raum killed Mammon, Hell would let us be for a while and think twice about trying to punish my people. I should have known better. But if the archangels think that Terra Noctem is acceptable collateral damage in their war, they have another thing coming.” Justin closed his eyes, features tight as he shook his head. “Never mind. This is a talk for later. Get settled.”

Justin turned and stalked away, leaving Sofia to stare after him, feeling more helpless than she ever had in her life. Her self-defense skills weren’t going to help her against a demon that had it in for her. And she wasn’t sure how much help they’d be in a city full of vampires.

She was suddenly, horribly homesick.

“By the way,” Justin called, his voice thick with irony, “welcome to Terra Noctem.”

Chapter Fourteen

Bringing Sofia down here had seemed like a great idea.

Unfortunately, like most of his great ideas, this one had repercussions he hadn’t thought through. At all. Like the fact that she probably wouldn’t be able to go home until Belial had been turned into so much soulless dust. That could take a while. Or the fact that she was going to be staying with him the whole time. In his small, unfriendly house. Which was unfriendly because he made it that way. Visitors were not his thing.

Actually, people in general were not his thing. Sofia seemed to be, at least for now. But it was one thing to be aboveground with her, invading her space, wedging himself into her life until he no longer felt like being there. It was another thing altogether to have the tables turned.

Now that he didn’t need to hide them, Phenex let his wings unfurl and become solid and visible. It wasn’t exactly uncomfortable to hide them, but it wasn’t what he’d call comfortable, either. But he’d gotten used to it. Like a lot of things he didn’t care for.

Sofia was quiet as he escorted her away from where they’d come out of the tunnels, which was unfortunately one of the busiest sections of Terra Noctem. There were bars, restaurants, and shops, all teeming with life—nocturnal life, at least. The air was cool without being cold, and slightly damp, the way it always was here. Far above, he knew there were openings where the air got in, allowing it to move through the city. Still, even after more than a year in Terra Noctem, Phenex hadn’t been able to shake the feeling that he was living in one really big crypt. Great for vamps, but for him, not so much.

He thought again of the little Florida town where Justin had met his new wife, a place he’d gone as a favor because Justin had wanted a little romantic music for his planned proposal. It had turned into a big-ass battle with a bunch of vampire hunters instead, but that had been okay, too. The place, though, Mirage…he hadn’t been able to shake the memory of it. Warm breezes, the ocean, and a sweet, lush scent in the air that was unmistakably tropical.

Sofia reminded him of that place. He didn’t know why. Maybe that was why he couldn’t seem to shake her, either. She looked way too alive to be down here, too colorful, too vibrant.

He curled one wing around behind her, shielding her as much as guiding her. He saw her glance at it curiously, then at him, but she didn’t say anything. He got the feeling that she’d had about enough of everything tonight—his world, his wings, all the attendant bullshit. He couldn’t blame Copyright 2016 - 2024