The Demon's Song - By Kendra Leigh Castle Page 0,38

much is true,” he replied, then groaned. “What was the thing again? With the pile of stuff on top?”

“I think you mean the mountain roll. With the spicy mayo and the masago on top.”

“Yeah, the fish eggs.” He made a face that had Sofia snorting. “They were good as long as I didn’t think about what they were. But I probably should have stopped at the mountain roll. That was about when I started to feel like I had a stomach full of bricks.”

“It’s all the rice,” Sofia said. “Nobody held your mouth open and made you e—”

She didn’t expect the kiss. The man moved like a cat, or some kind of ninja. He was just there all of a sudden, his mouth on hers. The bigger surprise was that the kiss was over almost as soon as it had begun, a soft brush of his lips that was as fleeting and gentle as yesterday’s kiss had been lengthy and heated. It didn’t seem to matter. Her lips tingled just the same where Phenex’s had been.

Sofia stood very still on the landing between the first floor and the second, waiting—who was she kidding, hoping—for him to kiss her again. But Phenex simply stood there, inches from her, looking down at her with a curious expression.

She looked back at him, eyebrows raised, unsure of what he was looking for, or what to say.

“It was a nice day,” he finally said, and she would swear that his cheeks actually looked kind of pink. Maybe it was just the weird lighting in the stairwell.

Sofia smiled. “It was a nice day,” she agreed. “The kiss was nice, too.”

In response, he twisted up his mouth. “Nice? I don’t give nice kisses.”

Her grin widened. Maybe it was his almost-blush. Maybe it was just that he’d been so normal today, so easy to be with. But despite all of her misgivings, it was the easiest thing in the world to rise up on her tiptoes and press her mouth against his.

She’d startled him. Sofia could feel it in the way he went still, hear it in his soft inhalation when her lips met his. She had the briefest moment to savor it, and then he slid into her. She heard the bags of leftovers hit the floor, and then his arms were around her, pulling her against him. Sofia wound her arms around him, determined not to just be swept along this time. Wanting him didn’t mean just succumbing. She might be a human, but she would hold her own with him.

Sofia molded herself against Phenex, stroking his tongue with hers, showing him without words how she wanted, needed to be kissed. Phenex made a soft, achingly sensual sound in the back of his throat that had fire curling through every inch of her body. Then he slid his hands into her hair and took the kiss deeper, turning it into something dark and decadent.

His touch was everywhere, stroking, gliding, and Sofia curled into him, seeking his heat. They seemed made to fit together, every curve and hollow matched so that they were fused perfectly, no space between them. Phenex settled his hands on the small of her back, and with every slow stroke of his tongue, she could feel the pressure in his fingertips change ever so slightly. The thought flitted through her mind that he was playing her body just as he would an instrument, and her lips curved lazily against his mouth as she began to let her body move in time to every gentle press of his fingers.

Immediately, she could feel how hard he was, rigid and hot even through the fabric between them. The sound she made was somewhere between a gasp and a moan when she felt him against her lower belly, and she moved her own hips against his, savoring every shudder of his breath, the way he moved one hand to her hip and guided her against him, over and over until Sofia was swollen and wet, so ready for him she was quivering.

He maneuvered her so deftly that she barely realized it was happening until she’d been backed against the wall. When he lifted her, she wrapped her legs around his waist instinctively, then remembered, albeit in the haziest of ways, where exactly they were.

“I think...I think we should go upstairs,” she breathed, as Phenex moved to suckle at her earlobe. Just that tiny bit of suction had her tightening her legs around him. “Oh. God.”

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