The Demon's Song - By Kendra Leigh Castle Page 0,3

he’d been checking her out.

Phenex felt his lips curve in a slow smile, his first of the night.

“You here for the show?” he asked.

She blinked, and the pink in her cheeks deepened. She didn’t look away, though.

“, I’m not here for any show. I’m just here with...friends.”

Phenex tilted his head, fascinated. There was more to whatever she was doing here—and she was a lousy liar.

He leaned in close, his lips hovering just a breath away from her ear. Her scent enveloped him, all caramel and spice. Desire hit him so hard and fast that he had to curl his fingers into his palms to stop himself from touching her. The force of his need stunned him. It had been a while, granted, since he’d taken a woman. But not so long that this one should be in serious danger of bringing him to his knees by just standing here.

“You should come see the show. You’re missing out.”

“Am I?” He liked the way she sounded, a little breathless, her voice rich and sultry. “What exactly do you think I’m missing out on?”

He grinned, pulling back just a little as she turned her head to look at him. Those seawater eyes had warmed considerably, though her wariness was still stamped clearly across her face.

“Me,” he said, and she surprised him by laughing, a low, husky roll of sound that had every muscle in his body clenching.

“You’ve got a healthy ego, huh?” she said, and Phenex drank her in, from the way her brow arched with amusement to the way she angled her body into his as she spoke to him. He already knew how she would fit against him.


“I’ve got—”

“Sofia! There you are!”

Phenex jerked his head toward the sound of another woman’s voice, instantly annoyed at the interruption. He was even more annoyed at the relief that flickered across his companion’s—Sofia’s—face. Sofia. It suited her perfectly.

A petite blonde, looking far more like the humans this place usually attracted, hurried over to grab Sofia by the hand. She glanced at him once, and he saw the usual mix of attraction and nerves he inspired in the opposite sex. Her voice was unsteady as she began to babble. Sofia, he noted, looked pointedly away from him.

“I’ve been looking all over for you. I think I found Sara. I...uh...” She looked at Phenex again, trailing off, and he could see she didn’t want him listening in on this conversation. Bemused, and interested despite himself, he stayed put. Figuring out what these two were up to was much more interesting than dragging himself back into the nightclub.

Sofia turned her head, and the way her eyes skimmed lightly, longingly, over his face filled him with an ache he was suddenly sure she wasn’t going to assuage.

“I’ve got to go. It was nice meeting you...”

“Phenex,” he said softly.

“Phenex,” she repeated, and he found he loved the sound of his name on her lips. Sofia gave him a small, puzzled smile, as though she was trying to figure him out. He was happy to stick around and let her try, but it seemed she was finished with him.

For now.

“Later, Phenex.”

“Later,” he agreed, wondering if she knew he meant it. Then he turned and watched Sofia walk away, enjoying every seductive swish of her shapely backside before she vanished into the crowd. He’d find her again before the night was out. That was a promise he made himself, the only sort of promise he never broke.

With a frustrated sigh, Phenex turned in the other direction and headed back to the stage.

Chapter Two

It was a struggle not to turn around, but Sofia Rivera managed. Barely.

She could feel Phenex’s eyes on her as she walked away. Big, beautiful, intense blue eyes. Phenex. What kind of a name was that? It was probably made up. And yet, somehow, it suited him, from the dark copper color of his short, tousled hair to the long, lean lines of his body. He had the sort of angular face she was a sucker for, and he was so...tall. Which was to say nothing of the obvious muscles beneath the ripped jeans and plain, fitted T-shirt. Or that voice, the thing that had caught her attention before she’d even really looked at him. It was the most compelling voice she’d ever heard, soft but impossible not to hear. Even though he’d been speaking, it had been like listening to some exquisitely sung melody.

She really, really needed to focus on the task at hand.

Sofia shook her head a Copyright 2016 - 2024