The Demon's Song - By Kendra Leigh Castle Page 0,28

nipples that were hard and tight, sending tiny shock waves spiraling deep inside her.

One of Phenex’s hands slipped around to cup her backside, holding her up, while the other slid higher to press against the center of her back. Sofia melted into him, sighing into his mouth while he swirled his tongue against hers again. The hand on her ass tightened, firm but not painful, guiding her hips against his so that she could feel the thick, hard ridge of his cock against her lower belly. Even through their clothes she could feel the heat pulsing off of him, and Sofia rolled her hips, wanting the friction, wanting to be closer.

At her movement, Phenex made a sound deep in his throat, a low, purring vibration that was the singularly most erotic sound Sofia had ever heard. As he made it, he pressed back against her, meeting each searching motion of her hips with his own until they were caught together in an erotic dance. The hand at Sofia’s back moved down again, and Sofia pulled her fingers from Phenex’s hair to wrap her arms around him.

The kiss began to change subtly, becoming harder, more insistent. Phenex’s breathing grew harsh, and those impossibly sexy sounds he was making became more akin to growls. Sofia could feel the scrape of his teeth against her lower lip, gasping at the bright shock of pain when one of his fangs drew blood.

“Phenex,” Sofia whispered, clinging to him for dear life. She was brutally aroused, her body screaming at her to take him, to find a way to have him pounding inside of her. Her nails dug into his shoulders, dragging down his back. Her breath caught in her throat when he wound a hand in her hair, then pulled her head back to expose her throat. His fangs flashed when he bared them, and there was something wild, something completely inhuman in his eyes.

Demon. The word flashed fever-bright through her mind, and for the first time, the word and the man seemed to match.

Sofia went rigid in his arms, every doubt and fear returning with a vengeance in one horrible moment. She didn’t know him, no matter how much she wanted him. And, God, how she wanted him…the need to have Phenex was so overwhelming she was shaking. It scared the hell out of her.

It took every ounce of willpower she could muster to brace her hands against his chest and try to push him away. It was like trying to move a boulder. He dragged his mouth down her throat, beginning to suckle at the sensitive skin. She writhed against him, eyes rolling back from the pleasure, even as she continued to push at him. Her sanity, now that it had returned, refused to allow Sofia to lose herself again.

“Phenex,” she said, her voice ragged and barely audible. “We can’t. I can’t. Stop.”

He said nothing, and she felt those dagger-sharp incisors scrape against her throat. Her immediate instinct was to grab his head and press it to her neck, inviting his bite, his teeth in her skin, a joining as intimate as any she could have imagined.

Sense won out over instinct, though just barely.

“Phenex,” she said more sharply, finding her voice. She began to struggle against him, fear beginning to trickle down her spine like ice because of how badly she still wanted this and how fragile her control seemed to be even now. It was too much, too soon. She needed to think this through before she made some kind of huge mistake.

“Phenex, stop!”

He shuddered violently, and then Sofia was stumbling backward as Phenex shoved her away. The abrupt loss of him against her, of his heat, was almost painful. Sofia sucked in a breath as she wrapped her arms around herself, confused and aroused and barely able to stand. Phenex had staggered back, slightly hunched over, head down with his hands dug into his hair. His harsh breathing sounded more animal than man.

When he finally lifted his eyes to hers, they glowed like blue flames. In that instant, she could see him exactly as he was. Phenex was beautiful, and terrible—and even as a fresh wave of desire swamped her, Sofia knew that he was as dangerous to her as any vampire. More dangerous. Phenex would be able to hurt her in ways that would leave her body intact and her much-vaunted soul in tatters. Standing here, her body aching for him, Sofia was as sure of this as she’d ever Copyright 2016 - 2024