A Demon's Harmony - E.C. Land Page 0,6

by the weight but rather the size.

By the time I make it to my apartment, I’m starving from the aroma coming from the passenger seat. I quickly put the car in park and shut the engine off. Opening the door, I grab my things and head for the door to my apartment building.

As I go to put the key in my doorknob my brow furrows at finding it already unlocked.

“What the hell?” I mutter as I push the door completely open.

My eyes widen at the empty apartment.

“I’ve been robbed.” Panic starts to seep in when I realize I’m not alone in here. Whipping my head around, I come face to face with Tanner. “Oh my God, you just scared the shit out of me. What are you doing here?” I ask dropping the bags in my arms and wrapping them around Tanners waist.

“Well I’ve come to the realization while driving around. It’s time you come home where you're supposed to be. So . . . with that said I got a moving truck to come over here and help me get all your stuff packed up.” My body stiffens with each of Tanner’s words.

“Are you kidding me right now? You can’t come in here and do this,” I grind out through clenched teeth.

“Yeah, I can babe,” he grins.

“No, you can’t. How did you find out I lived here in the first place?” No one besides my grandmother knew.

“I’ve known you lived in this building since you first moved in. You should really learn who your landlord is before you sign a lease,” Tanner says, giving me a devilish grin.

Wait. What?

“What do you mean I should learn who my landlord is?” Furrowing my brow, I cross my arms while waiting for him to answer the question.

“Babe, I own this building.” If the earth could open up and swallow me whole, any time now would be great.

Tanner owns the building I’ve been living in this entire time.

Is that why my rent was cheaper than all the other apartments?

Shaking my head, I don’t need to worry about that right now. I’ll table it for later. Right now, I need to get my stuff and find somewhere else to live.

“Where’s my stuff, Tanner?” I demand.

“On the way home where it belongs. We can go through it later after you’re settled in at the house.”

“No. No. No. This is not happening,” I mutter, turning away from him.

“Yeah, Alexis, it is. It’s well past time that we got our heads out of our asses. We need to figure out this shit between us. Can’t do that when you’re constantly avoiding me every chance you get.” Tanner’s voice seems so light, yet I know he’s completely serious from the way his eyes are narrowed, and his arms are crossed when I turn back to face him.

“Tanner, we can . . .” I don’t get to finish my sentence because Tanner has me in his arms and his mouth is on mine.

Oh shit. Tanner’s kissing me. Closing my eyes, I wrap my arms around his neck as he pulls me closer into his embrace. It’s been years since I’ve kissed him and oh damn, I’ve missed it.

By the time he breaks the kiss I’m panting, breathless and ready to continue our kiss. Tanner leans his forehead against my own. Opening my eyes, I lock on his intense gaze.

“We’re doing this baby. We owe it to ourselves to see if we can make it work between us. We’re not in high school anymore and I don’t need to put up with the drama and bullshit from it. I want you with me. Always have and it’s time you come home with me. Only question you need to ask yourself is if you can take me for who I am,” he whispers, his mouth a hair’s breadth from my own.

“Tanner, what do you mean who you are?” I ask in confusion. Does he mean him needing to be with other women?

No that can’t be it. I’ve never seen him with anyone else. If I really wanted to admit it, he doesn’t even flirt with the groupies when they try to gain his attention.

“Babe it’s a simple question. You either can take me for me, black and all or you can’t,” he says pulling back.

Hold up. He can’t honestly think that, can he? Does he think I have something against him being . . .? I’ve never seen him as anything but Tanner. Talented. Smart. Sexy. Never once have I judged

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