Demon's Dream - By Connie Suttle Page 0,78

of that girl and Teeg San Gerxon. Did you think to put yourself in his place, or at least higher than you are now? We here all agree that you couldn't form a quorum in the Council, let alone keep the Campiaan Alliance together. You know that if we have a unanimous vote of all three hundred members of this Council, you may be removed from office. Here is the vote, Cynthin." He handed the comp-vid to the president of Xordthe. "These numbers have been forwarded to all media outlets. They will report this on the late news. I imagine you might be bombarded with the usual requests for interviews. Get your tissues ready or get out of the city, Cynthin. Your pretty face will not get you far with the people now." Cynthin stared at the unanimous vote to remove her from the presidency. A general election would be held within the next moon-turn, to elect a president to complete her current term. Cynthin flung the comp-vid at her former second-in-command and stalked from the Council chamber.

* * *

"The only reason you are still enjoying your position is that you are my only son and I have no other choice, Andelis," his father the King, shot Andelis of Roorthi a severe look. "While your part is not great in this, it has opened the royal house to ridicule. We are being hounded by the media and our own subjects because we followed Cynthin of Xordthe blindly. Or you did, since I leave the dealings with the Campiaan Alliance to you. From today, that will no longer be true. I am sending my trusted First Advisor to those gatherings instead. For a period of five turns, you will smile and nod and take hands at factory openings and the like. You will rebuild this image you have tarnished. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Father." Andelis bowed low to the King.

"Good. Leave me. I am quite angry."

"Yes, Father." Andelis walked backward a respectful distance before turning on his heel and scurrying away.

* * *

"I feel like the biggest fool." Tevan of Shillverr rubbed his forehead, attempting to relieve the headache. Three scientists sat in his private office. All of them had come, presenting him with the evidence that the core had indeed been tapped more than twenty years earlier, then also presented the most damning evidence of all; recorded satellite images, showing the golden creature seating herself on the grass in a remote location before beginning to glow. The recordings from the satellite were quite clear, once they'd known what to look for. The numbers after that date showed the core energy levels nearly normal and rising. The ASD Director had not fabricated any part of his story.

"We did not know to look for this; we thought nature had reset itself somehow. We now know that help was provided, unasked for and unappreciated. I think we should rectify that now."

"But how?" Tevan asked, turning troubled eyes to his scientists.

"Under the Campiaan Alliance, we are allowed to operate without fear of the criminal element. Before, we were tortured by those who ruled here if we did not cooperate with them in their scheming to overcome this one or that. We are a free people, now. You have not harmed us. In fact, we appreciate the funding you helped to pass. This will enable Shillverr to create new technology that will place us among the best of both Alliances. This area in the photograph is still empty. We suggest a memorial to the one who saved Shillverr and her citizens."

"How long will this take?" Tevan played the recorded vid from more than twenty-five turns earlier.

"If we use bronze and employ laser sculptors, not long," the scientist smiled.

"Good. Get on this right away. We will invite the media and offer our thanks."

"Sir, I hate to interrupt, but Cynthin of Xordthe is calling," Tevan's assistant walked into Tevan's office.

"I will no longer accept her calls," Tevan stood and nodded to the three scientists. "We have other, more pressing matters that require our attention."

Chapter 12

Crorver's entire family came to the signing, dressed for celebration, it seemed. I felt sorry for Crorver, who'd given his life to his groves. He'd allowed Erbrin to draw him into petty rivalries with Edward, however, who saw no need for such trivialities. In his opinion, there was more than enough room for competition. He'd grown gishi fruit before his rivals. He'd also been foresighted enough to buy the land that made up EastStar Copyright 2016 - 2024