Demon King (Claimed By Lucifer #1) - Elizabeth Briggs Page 0,43

didn’t believe it at first, but…” She nodded slowly. “I met him last night. He was fine as hell, but…intense. You should have seen what he did to those demons who kidnapped me.”

I sat up a little straighter, curious what he’d done. “Did he kill them all?”

“He sure did.”

“Good.” The word slipped out of my mouth, surprising us both. I’d never wished anyone dead before, but all I felt was a deep sense of satisfaction knowing the people who hurt Brandy had been punished.

“He saved us.” Tears filled her eyes again. “And he said he found me because of you. Thank you.”

I still hadn’t let go of her hand, and I let her hold onto me as tightly as she needed. “Of course. You would have sent the devil himself to save me, too.”

She flicked her tears quickly away, but her sadness hurt me, squeezing my chest. “I didn’t think we’d get out. I thought we’d die in there.”

“Do you have any idea why you were kidnapped? Did Asmodeus know?” Maybe she’d have some answers that could help Lucifer figure all this out.

“Not really. Asmodeus said he was investigating a conspiracy against Lucifer, but he also said he got a text from his dad, ordering him to seduce me, but he didn’t know why. The library conference seems like a setup too, but why would demons want to kidnap me?”

“Seduce you?” I asked. There was something about the way Brandy said his name. “Did he succeed?”

She opened and closed her mouth several times. “Before I tell you everything, I should probably say that Asmodeus is an incubus, a demon of lust. He only needs to look at someone to seduce them, and he needs sex to survive. He requires a steady stream of lovers to feed on, and humans can’t survive sex with an incubus more than once, which means the two of us… Well, it’s not possible.”

She spoke so matter-of-factly about the things I was only just starting to come to terms with. How much more did she know? And just how far had she and Asmodeus gone in their basement prison?

She looked at me like she could read my thoughts. “But to answer your question, no, he didn’t seduce me. We kissed once, and frankly, it was better than any sex I’d ever had, but that was it. Mostly we talked a lot and learned about each other. There was nothing else to do.”

“So, you didn’t have sex?” I asked. Given that Asmodeus was an incubus, that seemed almost impossible.

“No.” She shook her head. “The shifters tortured him, trying to get info on Lucifer, but Mo wouldn’t break. Even when they tried to get him to feed on me, he held back. At times, it was obvious how painful it was for him to be in the same room as a woman without feeding, especially when he was injured. But he was so strong.” Her eyes took on that faraway look again, before a small frown forced the fledgling happiness away. She definitely had a thing for him. No doubt. But she also believed there was no way to work it out. I wished I had the answers for her, but there was still so much I didn’t know about this world.

She shook her head and blinked rapidly. “How did you get the devil to rescue me? And this?” She gestured around the room. “This is so far above either of our pay grades.”

As I explained how I came looking for her, and the deal I’d made with Lucifer, she grew somber. And then downright pissed off.

“You sold yourself to him for seven nights?” she practically yelled. “Like some kind of sex slave?”

I held up my hands, feeling the urge to quickly defend him. “He swore he wouldn’t force himself on me, and so far he’s been a perfect gentleman. I don’t know why he’s interested in me, but there’s something there. Something I can’t explain.” I paused and tried to find the words. “I know I’m in a dangerous situation, but I made a deal, and he’s delivered on his end. That just leaves my side of it.” I sucked in a breath. “I have to see it through.”

“Hannah, we can go. We can leave now. Nobody is here to stop us. We’ll go straight back home and forget any of this ever happened.”

I shook my head. “I can’t do that.”

Brandy looked at me, her gaze steady as it met mine. “I’m going home to my mom Copyright 2016 - 2024