Demon Fire (Angel Fire #3) - Marie Johnston Page 0,13

like Jameson was still around. The lack of Jameson sightings only led to the mystery he’d cultivated while he’d been alive. Eventually, Andy would have to do something, and that something would likely give him more power.

Andy wouldn’t admit it, probably not even to the underworld, but Sandeen would bet every ounce of Numen steel he hoarded that Andy was somehow behind Jameson’s death.

By the time she’d undone the clasp of his pants, he was hard. This host’s biggest asset was his stamina. As the woman pumped her hand along his length, he leaned his head back and closed his eyes.

Her warm lips wrapped around the tip. Wow. That was fast.

Using the pleasure as a temporary escape, Sandeen relaxed, but he couldn’t forget his predicament. He was forced to be the obedient servant. Andy knew too much and alluded to knowing more. It . . . chafed. Sandeen came from a world where strength was power and it only took a little brain capacity to dominate. It was how he’d survived. But with Andy, knowledge was power. He knew the secrets of their kind and Numen kind, on top of having all the technical ability of the human realm. That made him one powerful individual.

Somehow, he’d found out that Sandeen could use fallen blood to wander the realm in his own body. It was supposed to be the key to Sandeen’s freedom, but somehow Andy fucking knew.

Either Jameson had told him or Andy had spied on him. Had the daft fallen tested his own blood out on some demon in the club? Las Vegas was a city full of Andy’s spies, much less the club.

Andy was clever and Sandeen’s back prickled at the oddest times. He was being watched. His jaw clenched and one of his molars screamed. Sandeen eased the pressure. Go to the fucking dentist, he commanded his host. If the human wanted to join the underworld or whatever pipe dream Andy was selling him, there wasn’t a dental plan.

Sandeen opened his eyes. A burly bouncer wove his way through the crowd. Sandeen groaned. Another minute and the human with her talented tongue would be done.

The bouncer stopped in front of Sandeen. Sylphs, the imps of the underworld—like feral cats, the ones with weepy eyes, mangy fur, and frostbitten ears, only sylphs were crazier and complete shit at catching mice—dogged the man’s steps. They ran alongside humans, finding small ways to disrupt their life, those million little things that went wrong and affected someone’s mindset. Sylphs opened them up to despair, which made them weak inside and out.

They wouldn’t risk Andy’s wrath. Andy might not be able to see or kill the pests, but since he was partnered with an archmaster of Gerzon’s strength, the sylphs would die at Andy’s command.

“Boss wants to see you.”

Boss. Was that what Andy was going by now? Sandeen grunted and rolled his hips into the human’s mouth, prodding her to work faster. Whatever Andy had to say to him would suck the libido out of him faster than this woman’s ripe lips.

Sandeen held up a finger and closed his eyes before the sight of the bouncer in his black suit and black shirt and the earbud in his ear could sap the blood from his dick. He wound a hand through the woman’s hair and yanked.

She responded and the pleasure built, mostly from making the bouncer wait on his orgasm. He opened his eyes and erupted. She didn’t flinch, drinking him down. As far as climaxes went, it was weak as hell, but it also weakened Andy’s power play.

When she sat up, her cheeks were red, her lips puffy, and her eyes promised him anything. Damn. He could’ve had fun with this one. He handed her a cloth napkin and pushed his unused glass of water toward her before stuffing himself back into his pants and zipping himself up.

“Duty calls, my dear.” He gave her a wink and a smile. She glared at the bouncer. Everyone knew demons left them alone and it made them appallingly unattractive to much of the clientele.

The man pivoted and marched away. The dancers opened a path for him like they sensed his approach. Well-trained minions. Letting out a sigh, Sandeen followed. He hadn’t gotten anywhere in the last two months and it was time to answer for it.

The man marched down a dark hallway. The last time Sandeen had been here, he’d encountered a couple of Numen females. One was a warrior, and her stunning beauty Copyright 2016 - 2024