Demon Disgrace (The Resurrection Chronicles #8) - M.J. Haag Page 0,89

to carry his scars as a reminder of what was lost to them. Merdon chose to do whatever was necessary to keep Thallirin from final death to honor Oelm.”

I wasn’t sure what to think of Shax’s story. Was I just another Thallirin to Merdon? But why? Merdon didn’t know my story. He didn’t know who I’d wronged. Why had he stepped in to save me from the infected during the breach? Why had he caught me when I’d jumped from the roof?

Shax and I stopped in my backyard before I had any answers to my questions.

“Thank you for sharing their story.”

“You’re welcome. Go inside where it’s warm. Angel is looking forward to practice tomorrow.”

I nodded and gave him a small wave as I headed inside.

Merdon and Emily were in the kitchen. She was at the stove, and he stood near the end of the island where he could cross his arms and glare his disapproval of me at close range. I ignored him and gave Emily a small smile as I took off my boots.

“It smells good in here. Like something sweet.” My nose was still too cold to identify the almost forgotten smell.

“I have some hot chocolate for you.”

“Hot chocolate?”

“Yep. Made from a real packet, so it should taste good.”

My mouth watered, and she poured a cup for me as soon as I had my jacket off. I wrapped my fingers around the mug and shivered at the warmth.

“I have food, too, if you want. I saved some of what we had for lunch, and dinner’s almost done, too. I wasn’t sure how hungry you’d be.”

My stomach growled greedily in response to the idea that I’d be able to eat the meal I’d missed.

With his next words, Merdon ruined the bubble of happiness.

“It doesn’t matter what she wants,” he said. “Sit and eat, Hannah.”

I didn’t miss the look Emily shot him or the increasing anger in his scowl when I didn’t immediately jump to follow his order.

“Would it be all right if I eat the leftovers while waiting for dinner?” I asked, choosing to remain focused on Emily.

“Of course. Have a seat. I’ll warm it up for you.”

I sat, sipped my cocoa greedily while trying not to burn my tongue, and watched her take a covered plate from the fridge. Merdon stalked around the counter and joined me. I pretended not to notice.

“What did everyone think of lunch?” I asked.

She flashed me a quick smile.

“I’ll tell you after you try it for yourself.”

“Are you going to tell me what it is?”

“Nope. But I think you’ll know when you see it.”

She pulled the plate from the microwave and set it before me. I started salivating at the sight of Shepard’s Pie. Without needing to be coaxed, I dug in.

“So good,” I said around a hot mouthful.

“Merdon liked it too,” Emily said.

The fey beside me grunted.

“No corn?” I asked, digging in for another bite. I knew people made it differently, but my mom had always made ours with corn.

“Fey aren't a fan of tomato-based dishes or corn. Since meat is coveted by both sides right now, I'm trying to stick with meat-centric dishes.”

“This definitely works. I can’t imagine anyone saying ‘no’ to this.”

She grinned.

“Great. I hope you like dinner just as much.”

The feel of Merdon’s stare didn’t diminish the pleasure of eating one of my favorite meals. In fact, the growing intensity of his scowl as I made yum-yum sounds only enhanced the experience.

How Shax honestly believed that Merdon wanted me was beyond baffling. Anyone with eyes could see that Merdon was in a constant state of disapproval every time he looked at me. Yet, there were moments when he was almost nice. I would never understand his mercurial moods even if I tried, so I didn’t bother. I just enjoyed my meal.

The oven beeped as I finished my last bite, and Emily pulled out another dish. Pot roast with carrots and potatoes.

“These meals are going to be a hit. You’re using all the comfort foods that they would have a hard time making for themselves with the supplies they have.” I paused for a moment as what I’d just said sunk in. “Do you think it will do the opposite of what you’re hoping to accomplish?”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, you want to give the fey an opportunity to talk to women, but you are also working on building a bridge between the two towns. What if these generous meals are taken as a display of abundance and that we’re not Copyright 2016 - 2024