Demon Disgrace (The Resurrection Chronicles #8) - M.J. Haag Page 0,55

to ignore Merdon’s order to shower. My clothes stuck to my skin from all the sweating I’d done, and I could smell myself. It wasn’t pretty.

I grabbed another clean outfit from the closet and shuffled toward the bathroom. It wasn’t until I was in there that I realized I was alone. I shut the door, stripped, and piled my hair on top of my head. Hopefully, he wouldn’t throw a fit about not washing that, too. It was a little sweaty, but I didn’t think I’d be able to hold my arms above my head long enough to do any good.

Turning away from the mirror, I checked my backside. My mouth dropped open at the perfect outline of a gigantic, glowing red handprint. Merdon had marked me on purpose, smacking me in the exact same spot every time. I mentally called him several names as I climbed into the shower, too smart to say them aloud and antagonize him.

The soap job was rushed, so I put on deodorant as a precaution then dressed.

Merdon was sitting in the chair beside the bed again when I reemerged. I could feel his eyes on me as I hobbled across the room but refused to acknowledge him. He was a sadist, and all I wanted was sleep.

He didn’t try to stop me as I slipped under the covers with a sigh. I closed my eyes, hoping this wasn’t some trick and I wouldn’t find myself on my stomach in two seconds.

“You’ve slept enough. Get out of bed.”

Too fogged by sleep to think clearly, I ignored the warning and burrowed deeper.

A second later, the mattress tilted under me, and I tumbled from the bed to the floor. I landed on my side, tangled in the blankets that had fallen with me.

Lifting my head, I glared up at Merdon as he put the mattress back onto the frame.

“Are you getting up and coming downstairs on your own, or do you need help?”

I snarled at him. He showed me his teeth.

“You have five minutes.”

He left the room.


In the middle of my angry thoughts, I realized what he’d finally given me. This was my chance to escape. I struggled free of the blankets and looked around the room. My windows were still nailed shut. I could break them, but I’d never be fast enough; I’d only end up sleeping in a freezing room tonight. I noted the early morning light before my gaze shifted to the hall.

Emily’s room wasn’t over the porch, but I could easily drop from the window to the ground without breaking anything. Maybe? I chewed my lip in indecision before I hurried to my dresser and pulled on two pairs of socks.

I was running out of time.

Before I finished, doubts began to eat at my urge to escape. Five minutes wasn’t much of a head start, and I’d leave footprints in the snow. He’d be on me before I reached the wall. And if he wasn’t? Then what? Did I really think some other fey would deliver me to Tenacity? I had to try, though, didn’t I? What he and Emily were doing was wrong. They couldn’t just keep me locked up like this.

I crossed the hall, still trying to imagine what I’d do once I was on the ground. All the possibilities vanished the moment I tried the knob. Emily’s door was locked. I stared at it in confusion. She never locked it.

“Emily is not in her room,” Merdon said.

I slowly turned my head and found him watching me from the bottom of the stairs.

My stomach sank. Not only was hope of escape just a dream, I knew what waited for me if I walked down those stairs. I did not want to go to the basement with Merdon. Yet, what other choice did I have?

“I hate you,” I whispered.

“I know.”

Resolutely, I started down the stairs. My legs weren’t okay. Last night’s exertions had to have damaged them in some way. That was the only explanation for the bone deep ache echoing in my thighs.

Merdon silently watched me limp my way down to him. There was no pity in his gaze, and I knew he wouldn’t go any easier on me today because of my aches. I cursed my impulsive stupidity for doubling up on socks and not underwear and pants, and I couldn’t help but wonder if his handprint was still gracing my backside. If it wasn’t now, it would be before long.

I reached the second to last step and stopped, unable Copyright 2016 - 2024