Demon Disgrace (The Resurrection Chronicles #8) - M.J. Haag Page 0,5


An ache started in my chest, and I drank deeply again, hating that feelings from the past kept trying to surface. It was time to drown them completely.

“Who’s ready for some games?” I called over the soft music.

While the fey hurriedly started rearranging the furniture, I locked my arm through Cheri’s and led her to the table.

“The games are fun,” I said. “And a great way to get to know the fey. They love betting small things like holding your hand or touching your hair, in exchange for pretty much whatever you want.” I leaned in closer to her. “Just don’t bet kisses unless you’re willing to have another fey standing outside the bathroom door.”

She gave me a worried look then nodded.

The next hour passed in a blur of laughter and betting. Cheri couldn’t hold her liquor and ended up in Farco’s arms as I’d predicted. At the door, Emily gave him a stern talk to only remove Cheri’s shoes, stating that anything else without consent would ruin his chances with the girl. He looked down at the girl, complete adoration in his eyes, and I snorted softly. He wouldn’t have the balls to do anything that would jeopardize his chances with her. Come morning, not only would he likely apologize for touching her feet while she was passed out, but he’d also be running all over Tolerance to find her pain reliever for the bitch of a headache she’d have. If she was smart, she’d realize she had the key to whatever she wants.

I turned and almost ran into a fey.

“Sorry,” I said, lifting my head to offer a smile.

Merdon looked down at me, his expression inscrutable.

“Are you having a good time?” I asked, trying to be pleasant while also attempting to recall if he’d joined the games.

He didn’t answer. Instead, he breathed in deeply, his nostrils flaring slightly before his gaze flicked to the cup I held. My smile slipped a little at the feeling I was being judged.

“If you need anything, let Emily know,” I said, stepping around him.

In the kitchen, the dregs of the brandy went into my glass, and I turned the remaining bottles so all the labels were facing forward. The fey had done their jobs well and supplied enough alcohol to last a while. They were also providing a nice distraction.

Rejoining the games, I bet a walk around Tolerance (with hand-holding) against a container of “just add water” waffle mix, a package of breakfast sausages, and a canister of dried eggs. Emily rooted for me as I let the quarter roll off my nose into the cup, knocked back the contents, then slammed the empty cup on the table. I grinned as the fey’s cup hit the surface a second later than mine. They might have mad skills at running and killing shit, but they couldn’t stand the burn of liquor.

“We’re eating a real breakfast tomorrow,” Emily crowed.

I laughed and moved out of the way so the next person could bet. My limbs and face felt pleasantly numb as the room tilted and wobbled around me.

A hand wrapped around my upper arm.

“You look unsteady.”

Tipping my head back with my smile still lingering on my lips, I met Merdon’s gaze.

“I’ve never been steadier. Would you like something to drink?”

He didn’t answer.

Rolling my eyes, I tugged my arm from his hold.

“Suit yourself.”

I shuffled to the kitchen and looked at my pretty line up of bottles.

“Tempting little hussies,” I whispered to them then giggled.

Taking the open one, I sloshed some of the contents into my cup. A hand reached around me and plucked the bottle from my grasp before I was finished.


“You’ve had enough.”

Bleary-eyed, I squinted at Merdon.

“Is my speech impaired?”


I touched my finger to my nose.

“Did I miss my nose when trying to touch it?”

He didn’t answer.

“Exactly,” I said. “I’m fine. Please focus your attention elsewhere for the evening unless you want to bet something at the table.”

His gaze flicked from my face to the bottle he held. Instead of taking up my challenge, he set the booze on the counter and walked away.

“That’s what I thought,” I mumbled.

Fluffing my hair and noting my steady hand, I grinned and rejoined the games.

Chapter Two

The need to pee forced me from bed around dawn. Disoriented and still tipsy, I shuffled toward my adjoining bathroom and landed my bare ass half off the toilet seat. My bladder refused to wait for an adjustment in position, but thankfully, I heard the splashdown a second later and knew I wouldn’t Copyright 2016 - 2024