Demon Disgrace (The Resurrection Chronicles #8) - M.J. Haag Page 0,17

need something or do you just enjoy sending me to turtle town?”

“Oh, sorry! I’ll talk to you downstairs.”

I rubbed my hand over my face then carefully climbed to my feet. My knees popped.

What in the hell had happened to me last night?

Going to the sink, I rinsed out my mouth and tried to remember. A big blank nothing between going to bed and Emily knocking on the door was all I could manage. It should have felt like a win. Nothingness was far better than dreams of Katie. But my life was too far removed from that of a winner.

Turning away from my sallow reflection, my gaze caught on the vodka sitting in the center of the shower. Why had I carried it in here? I frowned, trying again to remember what had happened last night. Maybe it was better that I didn’t.

Mid-morning light streamed through my bedroom windows when I emerged from the bathroom. It didn’t bode well that I’d slept in that long. It also explained why Emily had come looking for me. No doubt she would scrutinize every damn thing about me once I went downstairs. Annoyed, I returned the bottle to its place under my bed and did my best not to notice how there was less than half of it left.

Skipping a shower since I’d already spent enough time in it, I changed into something I found on my floor then twisted my hair into a sloppy bun. The look had been cute, once upon a time, and I hoped Emily would think that’s what I was going for.

Leaving my room, my stomach lurched at the smell of whatever Emily was making. Why did she always have to cook?

“Hope you’re hungry,” she said, hearing me on the stairs. “I’m making scrambled eggs and toast. We had another box of food this morning with bread in it.”

She looked up as I entered the kitchen.

“You look…” Her gaze swept over my face as she obviously searched for the right word to describe my appearance.

Obviously, my half-hearted attempt at cute had failed by a mile.

“Like I slept like shit? I did. Thanks for noticing.”


Feeling agitated and disagreeable, I sat on the stool.

“You say that too much. Don’t be sorry. Just be thankful it's not you.”

“I wish it were me,” she said quietly. “I hate seeing you like this.”

“Then don’t look.”

Instead of guilt, her expression of hurt irritated me more.

“You know what? I’ll spare us both and just go back to bed unless you need something.”

“Wait,” she said, stopping my move to stand. “I have a better idea than spending the day in bed.”

The rest of her suggestion was lost on me as I noted someone through the window to our backyard. He’d been standing so still beside the tree that he almost blended with it.

“Fucking bullshit,” I said as I recognized Merdon.

“We don’t have to go,” Emily said, regaining my attention.

“Not you. Him.”

I nodded toward the window. Emily followed my gaze.

“I can’t deal with him right now,” I said. “Get rid of him. Make sure he knows not to come back.”

Turning away from him and Emily, I went upstairs. However, instead of heading to my room, I moved down the hall, looking for a good spot to spectate.

The space by the tree was empty, but I wasn’t a fool. He was out there somewhere. Even as I had that thought, something creaked overhead. I looked up to glare at the ceiling as Emily called Merdon’s name outside.

Emily appeared as I glanced at the yard through a sheer curtain.

“Merdon?” she called again.

A dark shape fell past the window and landed right beside her, making my heart race. Merdon smoothly straightened from his crouch, facing Emily, who’d whirled as soon as he’d touched ground.

She started talking, and I resented that I couldn’t hear her tell him off or, at least, see his fallen expression. Settling for watching body language, I waited for his shoulders to slump, needing to see his dejected defeat. But the bastard just crossed his arms when she stopped talking. The way she continued to stare at him let me know she was listening. What was he saying? Shit. Was he telling her I jumped?

I hurried downstairs and yanked open the back door at the same time she reached it. There was no sign of Merdon behind her.

“Is he gone?” I asked. “Or back on the roof? What did he say to you?”

She stepped inside and took off her jacket, not meeting my gaze.

“He said you’re drinking Copyright 2016 - 2024