Demanding Ransom - By Megan Squires Page 0,90

alert sleep walker, because I’d never know whose was whose. She drops onto the covers and starts snoring instantly. I pull up a handmade quilt tucked at the base of the bed and drape it across her. “Night,” I whisper and she just gives me a faint, sleepy smile in return.

Ran’s lowering Brittany onto her bed when her eyes open slightly, squinting in the dark. I hear them exchange a few words, and then Ran kneels on the floor against the bedframe and his low voice echoes softly. I can’t hear what they’re saying, but catch Brittany’s sweet “thank you” at the end of their dialogue.

“Of course,” Ran smiles and brushes a kiss across Brittany’s forehead. Everything in me melts.

After tucking her into her bed, he guides me gently by my elbow out into the hall toward my room. I don’t think he’s slept all night, and the stagger in his walk gives that away.

“What were you two saying in there?” I ask, my curiosity showing through.

“She asked if I would pray with her. So we were praying.” Ran slumps his shoulder into the wall next to the opening to my room.

“Praying?” I spin on my heel. “You mean, like, to God?”

Ran grins widely. “Yeah, like, to God.”

I shake my head and it’s dizzy with sleep. “I don’t believe in God,” I openly admit.

“That surprises me, Maggie.” Ran leans further into the wall, resting his head against the flat surface. His arms are folded across his chest and his ankles cross over one another as well.

“It shouldn’t,” I assert. “My mom deserted us when I was ten. Mikey is possibly dying of cancer. And up until a few days ago, we thought Sadie might have been pregnant.”

“And that’s God’s fault?”

“Uh,” I start, “yeah.”

Ran nods. “So then he’s to blame for your car accident and your leg, I’m guessing.”

“Yeah, I guess.” I don’t know where he’s going with this.

“Then it would also be his doing that you were rescued by a handsome knight in shining armor riding in on his white ambulance.”

That one gets a slight smirk from me. “No. That was fate.”

Ran shakes his head with laughter. “Well.” He shrugs his shoulders up to his ears. “Call him what you want. God’s had worse nicknames than that.” He shoves off the wall with his shoulder. “Goodnight, love. I’ll see you in just a few hours.” With one last kiss placed on the tip of my nose, Ran shuffles around me and disappears into his room.


“We have to get some fluids in her.” Ran balances at the edge of my bed. The hint of dawn is just breaking through the clouds and filters through the paned windows next to the dresser, washing the room in morning light. “She can’t keep anything down and she’ll dehydrate soon, she’s so little.”

“Can’t my mom take her?” I groan and drag my arms around his neck to pull him down to me. The bed is so warm and Ran is even warmer. I want to take advantage of it all while I can. I want to take advantage of him. I boldly press my lips to his.

“Your mom still has a blood alcohol level well above the limit and it’s starting to storm,” he says, pulling away.

“What about Sterling?”

“I haven’t seen Sterling since yesterday afternoon, but I called him and he said he won’t be back for two more hours. They have quite an odd arrangement, you know.” Ran returns my kiss and then lifts up. My shoulders sag instantly with my disappointment. I really don’t want Ran to leave right now. I really want to have my way with him. I think we’re both tired enough and our inhibitions might be just low enough that if I continue kissing him here in my bed, that things might head in the direction I’m hoping.

“There’s an urgent care just over the summit,” Ran says, pulling out of my grip completely. “It shouldn’t take too long to get her hydrated again. Sterling said to take their Range Rover. It’s got her booster seat already in it.” He leans toward me slowly and presses his body against mine to finally give me the kiss I’ve been craving. I bite his lip as he pulls away, hoping to provoke him, frustrated that I don’t get to spend the morning with him in my bed and in my arms.

“Drive safe,” I whisper, surrendering because I know his mind is made up. Caretaking over making out. I see where I Copyright 2016 - 2024