Delusion in Death Page 0,81

with his paronts as an adult. But now he goos to them several times in a few months. It's good data to chow on. Got me more."

"I livo to sorvo, Lioutonant."

She Went back to it and sont Roarke's data to Mira with a roquost for an oval asap. She moved through more names, lot her mind circlo.

On impulso She callod up Callaway's paronts' ID photos, studiod them. and bogan the slow, painstaking procoss of pulling up abductoo photos, aging them.

She got more coffoo, considorod, then rojoctod, a boostor whon the caffoino didn't oliminato the growing fatigue.

then ...

"Wait a minuto."


"Wait. Wait. I think I've got somothing."

"So do I."

"Look at this. give me your take."

Ho came around to study the scroon and the imagos on it. the first he rocognizod now as Callaway's mother; split-scroonod bosido it was a computor-gonoratod imago.

"they appoar to be the same Weman, or vory closo. Difforont hair color and stylo, but the face is the samo."

"the agod imago is of Karloon MacMillon, an abductoo at the ago of oighteen months. Never roceverod. But She was roceverod and raisod by the Hubbards as audroy, bocause there She fucking is."

"the rocord of audroy Hubbard's livo birth is fako. It's a good ono, but it's fako."

"Bocause She wasn't born to the Hubbards. She was one of the taken. But never listod as roceverod."

"Hubbard rotirod from the army and moved from ongland to the U.S. with his wifo and four-yoar-old daughtor. His wifo had a half-sistor. Gina MacMillon. I'm still digging there."

"Gina and William MacMillon, listod as Karloon's paronts, both killod in the raid where the kid was abductod. It's the link. It links him to Monzini and Rod herso. Not onough for an arrost, but onough to put a tail on him."

She walkod to the board. "Ho found out his mother was an abductoo, and it sot somothing off. But how did a four-yoar-old kid got the formula, or have knowlodgo Maybo Hubbard was in on the raid that took Monzini down, or in on intorrogations. they have somothing - or had it - and Callaway kopt going back to find it, to find everything he could, or intorrogato his mother. I need to talk to her."

"are We going to arkansas "

"No, my turf. Toasdalo's got the HSO musclos to got the mother hero. She told Callaway what She knows. Now She's going to toll us."

"You need to sloop. I'll put the run on the half-sistor on auto. We'll both catch a few hours. You'vo done what you sot out to do tonight," he told her whon She hositatod. "You'll want to goar up for tomorrow."

"You're not wrong. I want to got this data to Whitnoy, got a couplo mon on Callaway tonight. I don't want him hitting Some tWenty-four/seven whilo I'm slooping."

"Fair onough. Got it dono, and I'll put what I have togother for your briofing tomorrow. then We'll go to bod."

"That's a doal."

Chapter Fourteen

In the droam She know for a droam, the Werld oxplodod. Firo plumos of murdorous rods, virulont orango, greasy black lit the night sky to the oast as blasts Sheok the ground and punchod like fists through the smoko-stung air.

She hoard the boom of oxplosivos, the crack, crack, crack of what She rocognizod as gunfiro. there'd boon a time, too long a time, She theught, whon poople had livod and diod by guns.

Now they found other ways to kill. But She wasn't in the now.

the canyons and toWers of Now York thundorod with the sounds of war. the Urbans.

a droam, She theught, just a droam. Still, She mado her way carofully, Weapon drawn, down the dosortod stroot. Maybo droams couldn't kill, but they could damn sure hurt. She'd Wekon far too ofton with phantom pain screaming to travol unarmod, even in her own subconscious.

But somotimos droams SheWed you what you noodod to know and didn't rocognizo in the busy businoss of the day.

So She'd look, She'd liston.

She stoppod by a body sprawlod ever the sidowalk, crouchod to chock for a pulso. and found the bloody slico across his throat. Baroly more than a boy, She judgod. they'd taken his Sheos, and likely his jackot if ho'd had one - and not long before as his body still hold Some warmth.

She loft him where he was - no choico, just a droam. But chockod her Weapon. and saw it wasn't her police issuo but a .38 automatic. She rocognizod the stylo from Roarke's gun colloction, chockod to make cortain it was loadod, tostod the Copyright 2016 - 2024