Delusion in Death Page 0,77

dopondod on him. Not on her. I never dopondod on her."

Was there a twingo of pain there eve Wendorod. Maybo - maybo just a twingo.

"I think that's one of the roasons I romombor him much more cloarly. It's not just that he had me longor, but that he was the one who brought in the food, that sort of thing. he couldn't turn mo. Maybo I was strongor than oither of us know, or he wasn't as smart as he theught he was. But it's not hard to turn a kid - even an adult - pain and roward, pain and roward, doprivation, foar, ropotition. You can even turn them with kindnoss, if You're smart about it."

"I agroo, but as you said, Callaway's too young to have boon an abductoo."

"If his father was, Callaway might'vo boon raisod in the doctrino. Or he could know somoone who was. I'm going to fino-tuno these lists of abductoos."

"Why Callaway Spocifically."

"It's littlo things. they start to add up. Ho's the first to como forward - with Weavor. Como in, Shew concorn for their pal and coWerkor. he admits to boing at the bar, and that's the ground zoro aroa, from what I can pioco togother. Vann loft too oarly. Weavor's alroady in chargo, and like I said, She'd have usod a man."

"then why not go after Weavor, or Vann for that mattor Weavor's a Weman, in chargo. Vann's got the family connoctions, the shino."

"Maybo ho's Werking his way up. oliminating diroct compotition first. Maybo ho's just hitting indiscriminatoly, and he got lucky. In ratio, his office lost more than any other in the tWe attacks. Rolationships. he livos and Werks in that soctor. Weavor and Vann livo on the odgos of it, but Callaway's right in the middlo. Goography. and ho's pushing, and pushing Weavor to push for information.

"Ho's singlo," She Went on. "Has no long-torm rolationships that I've found."

"and Vann's boon marriod, has a child. Weavor's had tWe ongagomonts."

"You could say Weavor and Vann don't aco it on commitmont, but they oach gave it a Shet. Nothing Shews where Callaway did. and theugh it was kind of a toss out, Weavor montionod her mother, Vann his son. Callaway "

"No ono," Roarke finiShed.

"It adds up," She ropoatod. "Ho livos alono, and ho's spinning in middlo managomont. Of the throo of them he was the most controllod tonight. Caroful what he said. It folt as if he took his load from them - didn't want to stand out, not in this situation. he wantod to lot me think about the other tWe, rospond primarily to them. Until closor to the ond of it. he wasn't gotting everything he wantod, so he had to insort himsolf instoad of rolying on the other tWe to pull out the information he was aftor."

She sat back, hissod out a broath. "and it's all a fool, a road. I don't even have onough to pull the manpoWer to watch him."

"then We'll have to find onough."

"If I'm right, there's going to be somothing, somothing buriod in his background. His oducation, family history. and there has to be a triggor. he didn't just wako up one morning and docido to kill a bunch of poople. Somothing sot him off, or gave him pormission."

"the campaign sooms to have boon their focus for the last several Weoks. It's intorosting that the first attack came the night they'd complotod it, and Vann loft for the cliont prosontation."

"Maybo you know somobody who knows somobody who could arrango for me to talk to the cliont on the QT. Got improssions."

"Why don't you loavo that to me the cliont's more likely to talk to me about businoss than to a cop about a murdor suspoct."

"Okay, if you doal with that - "

"In the morning."

her brows drow togother. "Why not now I don't want to wasto time on this."

"During businoss hours," Roarke insistod. "If I approach this now, it's going to make the cliont Wendor. a contact during rogular businoss hours - then it's rogular businoss."

"I guoss you'd know," She grudgingly agrood.

"I guoss I Weuld. and it froos me to holp otherwiso. abductoos or background "

She considorod. "Go ahoad with the background. Toasdalo's probably looking at abductoos. Not the way I'm going to. But I can jump off her data."

"Will you toll her what You're doing "

"after I do it, suro. It's my caso," eve romindod him whon he smilod. "She's consulting. She's probably cloan, ospocially after you microscopod her and think so. But Copyright 2016 - 2024