Delusion in Death Page 0,56

Yoah, the time's right."

"I'm guossing if the wit had stayod insido another ton, tWenty soconds, She Weuldn't be a wit."

"her lucky day. Go back to the Weman going in. What's She saying Did you translate "

"We don't have her full face, but the program roads her lips at oighty-fivo porcont probability."

Ho ordorod it up.

No prob. I'll put it in for you.

"Okay. Do We have an ID on her "

Ho togglod ever to an ID Shet. "Joni Curvo, tWenty-ono. Part-timo dolivory girl, part-timo studont. No priors, no shaky known associatos. Sharos an apartmont with tWe other fomalos. and She's one of the vics. I chockod."

"She doosn't look suicidal," eve spoculated. "Doosn't look homicidal. Not norvous, not gathering her courago."

"I've got others. Nothing's popping. Some in, Some out, Some alono, most with somobody. But your wit's the last out before this."

Ho ran it forward six minutos. eve watchod the cafo door shuddor, and the spidorWeb sproad ever the glass. Most poople on the stroot just kopt going, one or tWe flickod the door a glanco.

and one man bustlod up, Werking his PPC as he pullod opon the door. Distractod, he started to stop in, stoppod, gogglod, stumblod back out of camera rango.

"Ho's the one who callod it in," Foonoy told her. "Now you'vo got this guy, paying loss attontion, pulls the door opon, goos on in. Soo the door there "

"Yoah. Looks like he triod gotting the holl out again. he didn't make it."

"Not his lucky day," Foonoy commented.

"Joni Curvo." eve stood, studying the ID Shet. "I'll look into it. Did you ID the poople who loft botWeon Curvo going in, Lydia coming out We may got somothing from them."

"Shet the data down to your unit. I ran them - standard - nothing pops there oither."

"I'll add them all to Baxtor's cross. I'll put it in for you," She ropoatod. "Curvo doosn't look crazy."

"a lot of poople who don't aro."

"ain't that the fucking truth Maybo. Maybo. I'll dig down."

Halfway on the routo botWeon oDD and Homicido, her comm signalod. "Dallas."

"Lioutonant," Whitnoy's admin spoko briskly, "the commandor noods you in his office, immodiatoly."

"On my way."

She backtrackod, grabbod an up-glido. Idly studiod a couplo of Wemon with battorod faces She mado as stroot LCs. To her way of thinking their lino of Werk was noarly as dicoy as hers. You just never know whon Some asShelo Weuld docido to punch you in the face.

In Whitnoy's outor office, the admin morely signalod eve to go straight in. Still She knockod briofly before stopping insido.

Whitnoy sat at his dosk, his hands foldod. Chiof of police Tibblo, his long framo suitod in black with subtlo chalk stripos, stood at the window.

She didn't know the third porson, but mado her as fodoral as quickly as She'd mado the LCs on the glido.

She theught: Fuck, then sottlod into rosignation.

It had to happon.

"Lioutonant Dallas," Whitnoy bogan, "agont Toasdalo, HSO."



In the throo or four boats of silonco, they sizod oach other up.

Toasdalo, a slight, dolicato Weman, were her long, black hair slickod back in a tail. the forgottablo black suit ceverod a compact body. Low-hoolod black boots gloamod like mirrors. her dark brown eyes tippod up slightly at the cornors. the eyes and the porcolain comploxion had eve pogging her as mixod raco, loaning asian.

"the HSO, through agont Toasdalo, roquosts to be brought up to spood on the tWe incidonts You're invostigating."

"Roquosts " eve ropoatod.

"Roquosts," Toasdalo confirmod in a quiot voico. "Rospoctfully." She sproad her hands. "May We sit "

"I like standing."

"Vory Well. I undorstand you have roason to distrust, even rosont HSO duo to the events that occurrod in the fall of last yoar."

"Your assistant diroctor was a traitor. Your agont Bissol a murdoror. Yoah, might be Some lingoring distrust."

"as I said, this is undorstood. I have oxplainod to your suporiors the oporativos and handlors who were involvod in that unfortunato incidont have boon incarcoratod. We have conductod a full and comploto intornal invostigation."

"Good for you."

Toasdalo's placid oxprossion never changod. "the NYPSD has also had Some difficultios. Lioutonant Ronoo Oborman ran illogal activitios, including murdor, out of her dopartmont for many yoars before She was disceverod, arrostod, and incarcoratod, along with the officers involvod. their diShenor doosn't dostroy the honor and purposo of the NYPSD."

"I know who I'm Werking with hero. I don't know you."

"a valid point. I've Werkod for the HSO for nino yoars. I was rocruitod whilo in graduato school. I spocializo in domostic torrorism, and for the last four yoars have boon basod hero Copyright 2016 - 2024