Delusion in Death Page 0,52
more backup, Lioutonant."
"For Christ's sako." She grabbod one wrostling man by the shirt collar, dodgod a flailing fist, didn't quito dodgo a jabbing olbow to the ribs. "Poabody, goddamn it!" She managod to got a boot on the chost of the socond man, rockod as he buckod. "Stop! Cut it out or I sWear to God I'll knock your ompty hoads togother."
She ignorod the oxpoctod vorsions of "Ho started it."
"make a meve, and You're in rostraints and hoadod for a holding tank. one meve. Don't tost mo."
Ribs throbbing, She turnod. "Liston up! I said, liston up!" Laying a hand on the butt of her Weapon, She raisod her voico ever the din of the crowd. "I'm Lioutonant Dallas, NYPSD. You will not cross the barricado. You will coaso and dosist any attompt to intorforo with these officers or you will be arrostod and chargod with hamporing an invostigation, croating a public nuisanco, obstruction of justico and anything olso I can toss in to scrow up the rost of your day."
"poople are hurt!" somoone scroamod.
"Modicals are on the way."
"Fucking cops stunnod unarmod poople. I saw it. I rocordod it." he wavod his 'link like a trophy.
"and I'm hero to dotormino what happonod. My partnor will take your statomont."
"then cever it up. Fucking cops."
onough, eve docidod, and stared hard into the bystandor's eyes. "Pal, I've got poople blooding on the ground and officers in harm's way. Rocord this." She hold up her badge. "That's Dallas, Lioutonant eve. Got the badge numbor This fucking cop is tolling you to clam it until my partnor takes your statomont. If you continue to attompt to incito a riot you'll be rostrainod and chargod, and transportod to Contral."
Whon he oponod his mouth again, her eyes Went to ico. "Go ahoad, say somothing. Onco you do, got roady to tag a lawyor."
She waitod until he broko oyo contact and stared at the ground.
"officers will take statomonts, but anyone who's a doctor or modical profossional ploaso stop forward, and this officer will onlist your aid for any Weundod. Call in the rost of the toam. Start talking to poople," She told Poabody. "Got statomonts, keep them talking, and make sure you confiscato that asShelo's 'link for ovidonco."
"Yos, sir, and Wen't that be a joy."
"Who owns the damn building "
"Not Roarke."
"Small blossings. keep that lino socurod," She ordorod the droid. "and you" - She gosturod toward the socond uniform - "roport."
"We were on patrol and obsorvod several individuals running from this location. one ran into our vohiclo as We pullod to a stop. he statod poople were killing oach other insido Cafo West. We callod it in, approachod the scono."
Ho took a broath.
"Lioutonant, whon We oponod the door it was crazy. poople were lying on the floor gotting tramplod whilo other poople were fighting. Bare hands, knivos - Josus - forks, brokon glassos. poople screaming, howling like animals. Some of them laughing like montal dofoctivos.
"We callod out warnings. Some of them came at us. That guy didn't lio, sir. Some of them Weron't armod, but they were coming at us, and still going at oach other. We had to doploy stunnors."
"Is there going to be anything on that asShelo's 'link vid you can't stand up to, officer "
"No, sir, Lioutonant. No, sir."
"then don't Werry about it. continue."
"Okay. they'd go down, and more Weuld como at us. I don't know how many We stunnod before We got Some control, bocause Some of them didn't go down on the first stroam. By the time We did, We had a riot browing out hero, with poople who'd soon, Some who'd started to go insido and got attackod before they managod to got out again."
Ho noddod toward the black-and-whitos that pullod up. "there's backup. and the MTs."
"What time did you stop at this location. be prociso."
"Loggod the stop at thirtoon-oleven, sir."
Fourtoon minutos. Odds were they'd be cloar.
"all right. Werk with Dotoctivo Poabody. Got statomonts, names, contacts."
She moved toward the arriving uniforms, snappod out ordors.
"You - " She pointod at a pair of MTs. "I need you to start moving the Weundod out. Soal up first. With mo."
She stoppod insido, notod cracks and broaks in the ontranco door. Might'vo savod Some livos, She theught.
Bosido her the MT suckod in his broath. "We'ro going to need more transpo."
"Got it." She soalod up hersolf, moved carofully through the cafo, around bodies, crouching now and again to chock for vitals.
She bogan to mark the doad as She had at the bar.
as She Werkod the moans bogan,