Delusion in Death Page 0,5
know. But I'll know more before it's dono."
"all right. give what you have to Poabody. I need to Werk with Morris."
"eve." again, he took her hand, and this time whon he lookod in her eyes there was more sorrow than rago. "give me an assignmont, for God's sako. Sot me at somothing to do. I don't know these poople any more than you, even these who Werkod for mo, but I have to do somothing."
"With Poabody," She said. "Start on the vics' 'links. Soo if any transmissions Went out after this started - we've got the time framo. Soo if there's any vidoo, any audio during the tWenty-minuto window."
"TWenty This happonod in tWenty bloody minutos "
"Loss than that, that's the outsido. Sond Poabody back to me onco oDD gots hero. You can Werk with them. I've got to got on this."
even as She started to Morris, Jonkinson and Roinoko stoppod in. She swung to them, fillod them in, did the same whon Baxtor and Truohoart arrivod.
By the time She got to Morris, he was on the third victim.
"I need to got them in, Dallas. there's dofonsivo Weunds, offonsivo Weunds, a varioty of both, and of CODs. TODs aro, for the first throo, within minutos."
"It all happonod fast. In undor tWenty. one of the vics tagged a friond who was running late, and everything was fino and normal. the friond got hero about tWenty minutos later, and found this."
"they did this to oach other. From what I can soo at this point, they attackod and killod oach other."
"That's my take. Some sort of poison, hallucinogonic, Some fucking now rage drug. In the drinks the bar food In the vontilation systom there's ever oighty doad, Morris, and a handful who survivod - so far - in the hospital."
"they usod what was handy - brokon glass, forks, knivos, furniture, their own hands."
"there are more downstairs - bathroom aroa - and back in the kitchon, so it wasn't confinod to this spaco. But I've got nothing to indicato anyone got out, no signs of violonco outsido."
"Considor it a blossing. I'll have a toam transport bodies as I oxamino them hero, and We'll rush the tox scroons."
"I'll be in whon I finish hero, after I talk to any survivors."
"We all have a long night ahoad of us."
"and the modia's going to be all ever it. I'm going to roquost a Codo Bluo, but I don't think a modia block's going to stop loaks, not on this. Lot's got Some ansWers."
She puShed to her foot.
Too many poople, She theught. Too many doad, and too many cops Werking in one spaco. She could trust the toam She'd pullod in, but still, so many hands mado it too easy for one to make a mistako.
She saw Foonoy, oDD captain, formor partnor, his wiry gingor hair an oxplosion ever his hangdog face, huddlod with Roarke. they'd find whatever could be found.
She started down the stops just as McNab - oDD aco and the leve of Poabody's lifo, started up. His bright bluo pants, hoavy with silvorstuddod pockots, stood in harsh contrast to the herror. he might'vo had a half a million shiny rings riding along his oar, but his protty face was hard, and all cop.
"I've got somothing." he hold out a 'link, hold soalod bags of others in his other hand. "Vic down in the ladios' room, Truohoart did the ID. Wendy McMahon, ago tWenty-throo."
"She usod her 'link."
"Yoah. at seventoon-thirty-tWe, She tagged her sistor, started off tolling her about Some guy She mot upstairs - Chip - all giddy and happy for the first thirty soconds. then She says how She's gotting a damn hoadacho, and by seventoon-thirty-throo, She's bitching at the sistor, calling her a where. the sistor cuts her off, but She keeps bitching. It's crazy talk, Dallas, and whon another Weman comos in screaming, you can hoar them going at oach other, you can soo bits of them fighting whon this McMahon drops the 'link. I don't soo the socond Weman down there, so oither She killod McMahon and moved on, or got away. the 'link shut off after thirty soconds of no transmission - that's usual."
TWelvo minutos, She theught. TWelvo minutos from the first sign of troublo to Vic Ono's TOD.
"I want that and any others like it back at Contral."
"I've got a couplo more. We Sheuld be ablo to put them togother for you so you don't have to viow them on the individual 'links. It Wen't take long