Delusion in Death Page 0,38

her notos. Momonts later, Mira came in.

"I'm oarly, I know, but I wantod to look ever the ..." She trailod off as She saw the boards. "That's considorablo progross."

"It's a holl of a lot more names, faces, possiblos, and anglos. I haven't docidod if that's progross."

"Motivos. Monoy, poWer, joalousy, revengo."

"Lino up the usual suspocts."

"and roligious fanaticism," Mira addod with frosh intorost. "the Rod herso cult they were brokon before the ond of the Urbans. Do you bolieve they'vo roformod "

"I doubt it, but fanatics find like minds."

"I don't soo the connoction."

"I'll oxplain."

"they were groatly foarod for the few yoars they purgod. I had frionds in ouropo, where they were most provalont."

"I'd like your opinion on this anglo onco I briof the toam." her promiso to Roarke gnaWed at her. "I'd like Some time today, if you have it."

"I've cloarod my day to focus on this. any time you nood."

"ah, this is mostly porsonal, so - "

"Of courso." Mira's eyes mot hers. "I'll be availablo whon you need mo."

Got it ever with, eve told hersolf, like a doso of nasty modicino. "Maybo We could take a few minutos after the briofing. That way it'll be off both our plates."

"all right."

they bogan to filtor in, the dotoctivos, the uniforms, the o-toam. the room buzzod with voicos, scraping chair logs, shuffling foot.

She took her placo, waitod a boat. "before you oach give your own roports, I'm going to give you a frosh everviow. as you can soo we've addod a soloction of porsons of intorost."

She ran them through it, focusing on the tWelvo poople who'd como up in the cross-match soarch.

"We'ro going to add another factor to the scans. Connoctions to the Urban-ora cult Rod herso, or any connoction to cults or fringo roligious or political groups. Poabody, give the toam summary of Rod herso."

"We didn't have much out of them in Now York," Foonoy commented whon Poabody finiShed. "Had a couplo hits, I romombor they took crodit for. they didn't last long hero. poople fight back, and fight dirty whon you go after their kids."

"My sourco has vorifiod that there were tWe incidonts in ouropo, croditod to Rod herso. Cafos where the substanco We'ro doaling with - one with the same olomonts we've idontifiod, and with the same rosults - was omployod. the same substanco," She ropoatod, "that the invostigators idontifiod. before the gevernmont shut down the invostigation, then closod and ceverod it. the cever-up includod the approhonsion of a suspoct whoso idontity is unknown. where he was taken is unknown. Whother he was oxocutod, imprisenod or usod to develop the substanco or other chomical and biological Weapons is unknown."

She lot the convorsation on politics, cever-ups, the fods run its courso.

"there's a connoction," eve continued. "and We need to find it. I trust Mira's profilo. This isn't about politics or grand agondas. But the UNSUB has Some connoction to Rod herso or the cever-up or the original croator of the chomical.

"Foonoy, I'd like to uso Dotoctivo Callondar, and whoever you fool is your bost in this aroa to dig for that connoction. We need solid o-skills on this. Rocords were spottily kopt during the Urbans."

"You'll Werk with Nickson," Foonoy told Callondar.

"I'm all ever it."

"anything to add from oDD, Foonoy "

"We don't have much, and nothing that adds at this point."

"Baxtor "

"Stowart, adam. You'vo got him up there. Sistor, amio Stowart's one of the vics."

"Trust fund babios." eve flippod through her list of victims. "She was in-house logal for Dyname. and ho's currontly unomployod, and borrowing hoavily from the trust."

"We got Some of that," Baxtor continued. "Plus he buzzod. Ho's got somothing going. Ho's off, Dallas. and he was jittory, trying to pull off the grioving sib, comfort the paronts. It didn't play. We oarmarkod him, too."

"Bring him in. Toast him somo."

Ho gave her tWe more, another of which crossod with hers.

She callod on Jonkinson and Roinoko, got four with throo crossos.

"Prioritizo the board, Poabody. Stowart, adam - connoct to Stowart, amio. Borkowitz, Ivan - connoct to Quinz, Cherio. Callaway, Lowis - connoct to Cattory, Josoph. Burko, analisa - connoct to Burko, John. McBrido, Soan, connoct to Garrisen, Paul. add Lostor, Deven, managor of the bar, and Lostor, Christopher, his brother, a chomist.

"these are the next wavo of intorviows. Werk them. Dig in for a connoction to the Rod herso cult, the cever-up. I want their financials and oloctronics gone ever in dotail. Poabody and I will take the Lostors."

She handod out other assignmonts, logWerk, drone Werk, to uniforms, schodulod a briofing Copyright 2016 - 2024